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当时你可能并不了解其中隐忧对吧You might not have caught it, right?

对所有关注的人来说,这一延迟都是一个隐忧。The delay will be a worry for all concerned.

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中国仅仅是搁置其计划来评估其安全隐忧。China merely put its programme on hold to assess safety concerns.

但是,连续二季的广告收入出现负成长,出现隐忧。But the advertising revenue has declined for two consecutive quarters.

但同时也存在着隐忧,环境上的影响正被忽略。But there are concerns that the environmental impacts are being overlooked.

下岗职工的愤怒长期以来一直是官场最大的隐忧之一。The anger of laid-off workers has long been one of officialdom's biggest worries.

现代性取得了巨大成就的同时,也带了诸多的隐忧。While modernity makes greater progress, it also brings with it a lot of malaises.

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当我和希拉里看望洛杉矶东部的一些六年级学生时,隐忧是显而易见的。The perils were evident when Hillary and I visited with sixth-graders in East Los Angeles.

对儿童不仅造成躯体上的伤害,还为他们的自我强迫埋下隐忧。Children not only cause physical harm, but also for their self-enforced become troublesome.

顺境中不无隐忧和烦恼,逆境中不无慰藉和希望。——培根。In prosperity is not without worry and the worry, adversity is not without comfort and hope.

不过近期股市涨势仍存在着将于不久后面临障碍的隐忧.Still, there are concerns that the stock market's recent run higher could soon hit a pothole.

更多的信贷会导致更高的商品价格,为中国经济带来滞涨的隐忧。More bank lending may lead to higher commodity prices, threatening stagflation for the Chinese economy.

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但正如盖奇博士的最新实验表明的那样,其中仍有一些隐忧和遗留问题。But there are caveats and questions remaining, as the newest experiment from Dr. Gage’s lab makes clear.

年初,新限购令以及房产税成为市场的主要隐忧。The new HPR and the pilot property tax rules were the key concerns of the property market in early 2011.

如今,在关于发达国家的公共债务和他们的货币的隐忧中,特里芬悖论时常出现。The Triffin dilemma is echoed in contemporary worries about the rich world’s public debts and its currencies.

但二毛也说出心里隐忧,深恐留在邵府,会连累邵正邵扬父子及的家人。But two hairs also say heart risk, in case ShaoFu, will bring trouble ShaoZheng ShaoYang father and son and family.

老年医学家和科学家们探讨了药物的未来,环球健康隐忧和人类寿命等问题。A panel of gerontologists and scientists discussed the future of medicine, global health concerns and life expectancy.

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虽然风光背后事业和家庭各有隐忧,但乐观的她积极面对,充满正能量。Although scenery behind career and family each have malaises, but optimistic she face actively, full of positive energy.

从后现代视角进行的批评揭示了这些隐忧,为未来教育的发展提供了借鉴。Consequently a post modern perspective of the malaises may as well do good to the educational development in the future.

美国次级按揭范畴危机隐忧加剧,拖累上周欧洲股市低收。European stock markets ended the week lower, hit by growing concerns over the crisis in the US sub-prime mortgage sector.