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他开始了动荡不定的政治生涯。He entered upon a turbulent political career.

动荡不定的美元的前景亦一团糟糕。The volatile dollar muddles the picture as well.

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其后果是全球性的,形势动荡不定。The consequences are global. The situation is volatile.

动荡不定的新加坡政局使人民感到不安。The volatile political situation in Singapore upset the people.

生儿育女和乐师动荡不定的生活是不合拍的。Babies and the chancy life of a musician do not exactly go together.

同样,在这段时期,文学领域亦是数经变更,动荡不定。Paragraph 1 "In literary circles too, the period was characterized by upheaval and turmoil."

当今,世界经济动荡不定,企业的经营环境发生着剧烈变化。Now, the world economy is variety, enterprise's management environment has the fierce change.

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从今年以来的情况看,世界形势当中动荡不定的一面较为突出。We have seen growing uncertainty in the international situation since the beginning of this year.

请容我解释为什么——然后,我们再来看看,在这样动荡不定的时期,该把钱投往何处。Let me explain why – and then we'll take a look at where you should really be looking to invest your money in these uncertain times.

在纽约西区南部的红砖房那一带地方,绝大多数居民都如时光一样动荡不定、迁移不停、来去匆匆。Restless, shifting, fugacious as time itself is a certain vast bulk of the population of the red brick district of the lower West Side.

在信中,他深刻反思了动荡不定的社会与王位世袭制间的冲突。In a letter, he wrestled with the clash between a society in flux and the law of hereditary kingship, a clash that seems to hang over Thailand today.

这些感情如阵阵巨风,吹拂在我动荡不定的生涯中,有时甚至吹过深-沉痛苦的海洋,直抵绝望的边缘。These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a great ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.

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“老查”来新浪的时间不短了,尤其在动荡不定的互联网产业中,他属于公司中难得、稳定的高管。"Laocha " come the time of sina is not short, it is especially in the Internet industry of queasy adventitious, he belongs to the god-given, stable tall canal in the company.

我们在1995年预测现在的天气会动荡不定,现在在地球各处迹象都很明显了,我们希望不要在每个转折点上都被没完没了地问问题。We predicted the current weather swings in 1995, and now that they are evident everywhere on Earth, we have requested that we not be asked endlessly what this means at every turn.

旅游能够创造社会经济机会,帮助减少贫富差距,在全球经济局势严重动荡不定之时,这种能力比以往更为重要。At a time of profound global economic uncertainty, tourism's ability to generate socio-economic opportunities and help reduce the gap between rich and poor, is more important than ever.

但是品牌所处的环境和市场是动荡不定的,充满着诸如经济动荡、科技进步、潜在威胁、消费者偏好改变及市场权力重构等诸多问题。At the same time, surroundings and market of a brand are unstable which are full of so many questions such as economy crisis, competitive plan, potential threaten, consumer prefer and etc.

邻国们似乎认为,不论组成什么样的政府,自十个月前大选以来动荡不定的局势都会有所好转。当时,多数津巴布韦选民都竭力想把穆加贝和他的亲信赶下台去。Any sort of government, the neighbours seem to think, must be better than the drift since the election ten months ago when most Zimbabwean voters tried to get rid of Mr Mugabe and his cronies.

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然而有这样一个观点,在动荡不定的战争年代,一个极权国家是有利于国家的发展的But one argument that can be made is that things things were so terrible and so out of control in the earlier period that the strengthening of the state is something that people saw as beneficial.