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你的初恋情人?Your first lover?

可我是她的情人吗?But was I her lover?

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他赌情人是踊个可爱的女孩。His is a pretty girl.

克里奥帕特拉是我的情人。The truth is my lover!

莪扪希望情人会唱情歌。We hope to meet the one.

你还是我的情人么?You still my lover Mody?

你愿意当我的情人吗?Will you be my Valentine?

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做一个公平交易的情人。Be a Fair-Trade Valentine.

她与情人一同私奔了。She decamped with a lover.

情人眼里出西施。Beauty lies in lover's eye.

情人眼里出西施。Beauty lies in lover’s eyes.

你看到你的初恋情人了吗?Did you see your first love?

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约翰是玛丽的情人。John is Mary's heart- throb.

她与她的情人私奔了。She ran away with her lover.

情人不愿受干扰。Lovers want to be left alone.

她们是我的梦中情人。Ouch!They are my dream girls.

那家伙是个真正的理想情人。That guy is a real dreamboat.

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月亮是冷傲的情人。The moon is a harsh mistress.

美在情人的心里,真在耕者臂弯里。Beauty in the hearts of lovers

形容情人的娥眉。Made to his mistress' eyebrow.