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纸张背面的宇宙韵文在宇宙大学很受欢迎。Universe University.

并非所有的韵文都是伟大的诗篇。Not all verse is great poetry.

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把韵文改写成散文。Transpose the verse into prose.

请凭借我这韵文写就的符咒。And, by the incantation of this verse.

他的书有许多地方是用韵文写的。His book was in parts written in verse.

一首韵文有几个版本。There were several versions of a verse.

他是否正在尝试将混乱的人生提炼成完美的韵文?Is he trying to put messy lives into perfect prose?

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舞蹈是一串有规则的步法,就如韵文是拟好的言语。A dance is a measured pace, as a verse is a measured speech.

会读诵水果韵文,并复习颜色的单字。Being able to chant fruits and review vocabularies of colors.

这剧本大部份是用韵文写的,不过有一些是用散文。Most of the play is written in verse, but some of it is in prose.

抑扬格是安排韵文的一种体系,是为了安排每一行诗的韵文。Meter is--it's a scheme for organizing verse, for organizing lines of verse.

由两行互相押韵的含有五个抑扬音步的诗句组成的韵文单位。Heroic couplet refers to two lines of iambic pentameter rhyming with each other.

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汇集中国古代经典散文和韵文是中国语文教本编写的胡益尝试。It's a useful attempt that to take classical essays in the Chinese language text book.

他抄写经卷,抄写佛教的韵文,以此换得几文小钱购买食物。He would copy sutras, Buddhist verses, and in this manner receive a few coins for food.

值得注意的是,韵文晦涩的时代也就是散文粗劣的时代。It is to be noted that the age of periphrase in verse was the age of crudities in prose.

这些韵文不但本身具有很高的艺术价值,而且是整部小说不可或缺的组成部分。All these verses, with a high artistic value, are also the indispensable part in Hong Lou Meng.

他精通梵文韵文,当他从一个地方走到另一个地方的时候,就很快乐地吟诵它们。He was well versed in Sanskrit, and it had delighted him to chant as he walked from place to place.

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每本米菲兔的书都包括16页的故事,每一页都有一幅插图和4行韵文。The Miffy books each contain 16 pages of stories. Each page has one illustration and 4 lines of verse.

在小说当中羼入韵文,是中国古典通俗小说的一个鲜明的民族特色。Embedding rhythmic verses in popular novels is an emblematic characteristic of Chinese classical novels.

格律学里,韵文之有节奏感而显要的重读音节,通常有规则交替发生。In prosody, a rhythmically significant stress on the syllables of a verse, usually at regular intervals.