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人们纷纷去度假,忘记了所有的纷扰。People go away on holiday and forget all about it.

因此在这个霜雪满天、俗物纷扰的世界。So in a world of snow, of things that come and go.

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她是在无谓纷扰,几乎不能掩盖其不耐烦。She fussed about,scarcely able to hide her impatience.

当你工作时,忘掉其他纷扰努力的去创造。When it’s time to work, clear away all else and create.

他们说,在尘世气息纷扰的都市,没有人可以享受到如此美妙绝伦的自然画卷。They say, no one can see such a wonderful view in the city.

内心的纷扰使他无法入睡。His mind was in such a turmoil that he couldn't get to sleep.

而一切纷扰的凡尘琐事都能使我们感知它的意义。And all the chores are traveling can make our perception of it.

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在嘈杂和民主制度的印度,纷扰的尘埃更容易衡量。In garrulous, democratic India, the fallout is easier to gauge.

生产延迟也继续纷扰疫苗部署。Production delays also continue to plague the deployment of vaccine.

吾心如止水。我们的爱在纷扰的白雪下蛰睡了。My heart stopped. Our love fell asleep, it was surprised by the snow.

但是为什么不把你的尊重投向这些纷扰开始的起源?But why not pay your respects to the original that started all the fuss?

不要被周围的纷扰阻碍了你的策略,破坏了团队精神。Do not let what is going on around you whipsaw your strategy and your team.

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我们生活中多少的烦恼都是出于自己的纷扰,鲁莽和焦急。Much of our trouble in life comes out of our restless, sometimes reckless, haste.

让人心情放松的同时,还能有空感受空山静雨,世外纷扰。This weather make us relax, and more you can feel quiet and keep away from harras.

那一抹香甜的气息,让我们在这个纷扰的世界里找到了属于自己的一份静谧!That fragrantly sweet flavor let me find myself peacefulness in this confused world.

把我带到这片森林来的是在一个没有纷扰的地方进行文字工作的渴望。What brought me to the woods was the longing to be with words in an undistracted place.

当我们把生活中的纷扰抛诸脑后,我们更容易休息,并重新定焦在上帝身上。When we leave the distractions of life behind, we can more easily rest and refocus on God.

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唯有意志非常坚强的人才能挺身熬过纷扰不安、道德败坏的时代。Only men of great resolution can stand up and survive times of trouble and spiritual decadence.

你在天之涯,独自承受茫然四顾的纷扰,慢慢地咀嚼着人生反复无常的忧伤。You in the limit, alone to bear the look of confusion, slowly chewing life play fast and loose.

墙外,就是红尘万丈,俗世纷扰,争名夺利,尔虞我诈,人声鼎沸,热闹无比!Outside the wall, is the great, the world, struggle for fame and gain, intrigues, JALEO, lively!