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让自己眼观六路,耳听八方,并且思维开放。Keep your eyes, ears and mind wide open.

侦探就得眼观六路耳听八方。A detective must be all eyes and all ears.

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作为一名翻译我要眼观六路耳听八方。As an interpreter I should have sharp eyes and keen ears.

要耳听八方和不要做任何保证。Keep your ear to the ground and take nothing for granted.

内置的立体声麦克风和扩音器,能帮你在摄制影像的时候,耳听八方。There’s a built-in stereo microphone for use with your video, plus a mike jack.

记得要和当地人一起过马路,同时眼观六路、耳听八方。Always cross the road next to locals and look 360 degrees around you at all times.

身为侦探,必须眼观六路、耳听八方,还得记住所有细节。As a detective, must be sharp eyes and six Road, alert, but also remember all the details.

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耳听八方并积极思考,分会必定可以看到别人看不到的机会。By growing bigger ears and thinking creatively, clubs can find opportunities where they otherwise might not.

对于图书馆来说,关键是要解放思想,眼观六路、耳听八方,关注用户们正在使用的东西。The key for librarians is to keep an open mind, keep your ear to the ground, and keep an eye on what your patrons are using.

纵然你声称自己可以眼观六路耳听八方,能将这些尽收眼底,那我告诉你你所看到的还只是博物馆的一个小侧面而已,因为在它的地窖、阁楼、塔楼、后门厅和橱柜里,还有更多让你眼花缭乱的神奇宝贝。But even if you could, you would only have seen one face of the museum. In the basement, attic, turrets, back hallways and closets there's an equally dizzying array of awesome stuff.

因为明天早晨在人马座到双子座之间还会出现一轮强劲的满月,你就需要从今晚到周六凌晨之间一直眼观六路,耳听八方。Since tomorrow morning also brings with it a powerful Full Moon from Sagittarius to Gemini, you need to be all eyes and ears throughout this evening and into the early hours of Saturday.

现在我还在沉迷于电脑中,”他补充道,“让你只能躺在沙发上,你只能眼观六路,耳听八方,感谢冠军教练游戏让我打发这些时间,在游戏中我与利物浦赢得任何奖杯。”"I'm sick of TV now, " he added. "When you're confined to the couch you'll look at anything. Thankfully Championship Manager got me through that time too. I won everything with Liverpool.