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你说话不算数。You don't keep your word.

男人是猪,这仍旧不算是阴事了。He is a male chauvinist pig.

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不过考级该不算是对英文的研究吧。To learn English is one way.

男人是猪,这仍旧不算是阴事了。Men are pigs. This is no secret.

总之,我有一个不算坏的结果。After all, I got a not-bad result.

kJ不算什么?What's a kilojoule between friends?

事实上,我们现在不算是四重奏了。In fact, we are rarely now a quartet.

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你们看,我写东西可不算个快手。I am not a fast worker, as you can see.

当然,那个进球本该不算数的。Of course, the goal should not have counted.

这个鞋底其实不算高,我没量。The sole fact is not high, I did not volume.

“闻你的脚的味道可不算“睡在一起”。Smelling your feet is not 'sleeping together.'

但是有人这么做的,所以不算奇怪。but it happens so it's not anything too weird.

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这样的抉择对美国农民不算什么坏事。That is not a bad dilemma for American farmers.

在这个不算事件的问题上,中国将会看开的。This is a non-event and China will get over it.

不算有,但是我想尝试看看高尔夫球。Not really. I’d really like to try golf, though.

在中国算高,但是德国不算高。It's very high in China, but not high in Germany.

不算远,但现在是交通高峰期,你就等我电话吧!B-------No, it's rush hour. Just wait for my call.

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不算上垃圾邮件,我每天会收到数百封电子邮件。I get hundreds of emails a day, not counting spam.

如果可能,永远不要说话不算数。You should never go back on your word, if possible.

对于你这种属于夜晚的女士来说不算晚,朱莉安娜。Not for a lady of the evening like yourself, Juliana.