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它后来陷落衰败。It had fallen into decay.

贾府就是这个衰败的典型。Jia is typical of this decline.

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如果不这样的话,就是国运衰败之兆”。If not, this kingdom is on the decline.

他们只是处在不断衰败的过程中。They're only in the process of falling.

看来所有国家都会逐渐衰败的。It seems that all countries decay in time.

汉大赋的兴盛局面难以为继,开始走向衰败。After Ban Gu, Great Han Ode began to decline.

公元1590年,威尼斯共和国在处于衰败的险恶困境之中。In 1590 the Republic of Venice was in decline.

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杜甫生活得年代,唐朝已经由兴盛走向衰败。During his life time the Tang Dynasty was in decay.

中色调和深色调地毯绒毛衰败不太明显。Tones, and dark carpets fluff decline in not-so-obvious.

还有各种称之为衰败或口袋选区的选区。There were also various so-called rotten or pocket boroughs.

再也没有比听到同胞衰败崩溃的声音更令人高兴的了。There is no sweeter sound than the crumbling of one's fellow man.

在干旱时期,湖面缩小,而且植物也衰败成小的生态环境。In dry times the lakes dwindled and the plants declined to niches.

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如果你把生活的中心放在你的外表或健康上,那他们可能会衰败。If you center your life on your appearance or health, they can fail.

英国皇家海军的衰败是非常平缓和优雅的。It was a very gradual and elegant decline of the British Royal Navy.

在中世纪期间,希腊文明开始衰落直至衰败。During the middle ages, Greek civilization declined and became effete.

他身上的全部活力正在消退、衰败、趋于死亡。All the life that was in him was fading, fainting, making toward death.

我在中国常常听到这种因为侵略导致衰败的说法。It was a narrative of victimhood and decline that I’d often heard in China.

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我们虽然年纪老迈,体力衰败,但自有永有的上帝,却一如往昔。When we grow old our God will still be the I AM, abiding evermore the same.

春天的第一个迹象,常常因酷暑和秋雨而衰败。The first signs of spring, often clobbered by summer's heat and autumn's rain.

事实上,有非常充分的理由可以把沉湎于声色之乐的性看作是衰败和穷途末路的征象。In fact, it may very well be the sign of a crippled or impoverished sensuality.