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需要必然的痛楚。Requires sorest need.

她们的勇气和痛楚常常萦绕我心。Their courage and pain haunt me.

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像巨浪一样深沉和痛楚。As deep and as bitter as the billowed main.

汤姆的心比肉体更加痛楚不安。And Tom's heart was sorer now than his body.

那爱情被轻视的痛楚,权益被慢待的彷徨。The pangs of despised love, the law's delay.

然而,这一次,却毫无动静,他的痛楚依旧。But nothing happened. The pain was still there.

痛楚会延伸到下背和大腿处。Pain that radiates to your lower back and thighs

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你尝尽了失败的痛楚,成功的喜悦。You've tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success.

每一次你亲吻我,我的心都是如此的痛楚。Everytime you kissed me, my heart was in such pain.

啮咬的良心让记忆时时在痛楚中醒着。A gnawing conscience keeps the memory terribly alert.

这种痛楚便是众所皆知的肋部刺痛或抽筋。These pains are commonly known as stitches or cramps.

我们也为彼此内心深藏的秘密和痛楚流过泪。Tears over the deepest secrets and pains of our hearts.

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自负是为了麻痹因为愚蠢带来痛楚的麻醉剂。Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity.

看穿并描述这种痛楚就不该是代价很高的吧?Should it not be costly to penetrate and portray this pain?2

不要让一个季节的痛楚破坏了剩下所有日子的快乐!Don't let the pain of one season destory the joy of all the rest.

亦舒缓晒伤或烧伤之皮肤,减轻痛楚,减退及消除红肿。It helps to relieve sunburn, pain and also to eliminate swelling.

离婚的痛楚在很长一段时间里,毒害着我,使我抗拒婚姻。The pain of divorce poisoned me against marriage for a long time.

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它的股东基本上都赔光了,房屋业主承受着丧失抵押品赎回权的痛楚。Shareholders were mostly wiped out. Homeowners suffered foreclosure.

有时期人们会说「四字经」来表达愤怒和痛楚。Sometimes people say "four-letter words" to express tempers or pain.

温斯顿停了笔,部分是由于抽筋的痛楚。Winston stopped writing, partly because he was suffering from cramp.