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按“彩虹食谱”搭配着吃。Eat the rainbow.

使用好的食谱。Get a good recipe.

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我这儿有一份当时的推荐食谱Here's the proposed menu.

小狐狸看了看食谱,“曲奇饼的食谱看起来很简单嘛。”Fox looked at his cookbook.

鼓弄你的食谱,对吧?Bring in your recipe, right?

我们的目标是为Python建立“食谱“Our goal is to build recipes.

你从哪儿弄来那张食谱的?。Where did you get that recipe?

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给你的食谱上添加一点咖喱。Add a little curry to your diet.

他们热衷于发现新食谱,They love finding out new recipes,

数据库用作食谱。The database serves as the cookbook.

我真希望有本生活的食谱。I wish there was a cookbook for life.

这份食谱将会教你如何制作12只迷你小泡芙。The recipe will make 12 mini popovers.

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这个食谱是保持健康心脏的奇迹!This recipe is a cardio-health wonder!

注意,本食谱不适用于减肥者。Beware, this recipe is not for slimmers.

她的乱炖食谱,但是我们恨它们。Her casserole recipes. But we hate them.

这份食谱是几人份的。How many servings does this recipe make?

本食谱为四人份。This recipe is enough for four servings.

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上面那个炒饭的食谱听起来不错啊。The recipe of fried rice above looks good.

这是一家专门出版食谱的出版公司。This is a house specializing in cookbooks.

白罗宋汤是我奶奶的主要食谱。And white borscht, this is recipe my grandma.