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指令没要我们滥杀无辜!We don't have orders to kill innocent people.

明宪宗年间,宦官弄权,滥杀贤臣。Ming Kenso years, eunuch excesses, killing Xian Chen.

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因为我滥杀无辜,我变得很有名气。I became famous for my unfair slaughtering of the innocent.

最后,尽管她是一名吸血鬼,她并没有滥杀无辜人类。Plus, although she's a vampire, she doesn't go around killing innocent humans.

滥捕滥杀野生鸟类是违法行为!Excessive capturing and slaughtering of wild birds constitutes unlawful behavior.

有的合同工被指控行为不端,也有被指控滥杀平民的。Some contractors have been accused of offensive behavior, including killing civilians.

由于滥捕滥杀和疾病,美洲鹤在南美洲几近灭绝。Whooping cranes have been all but wiped out in North America through hunting and disease.

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联合国指责巴西警察滥杀无辜,并参与到有组织的犯罪活动中。Brazil The UN has accused police of killing suspects and participating in organised crime.

随之他们滥杀无辜,两个月共杀害太平军将士和群众2万多人。Then they were innocent, two months were soldiers killed more than 20,000 people and masses.

我们没有忘记滥杀无辜、幸灾乐祸的凶残敌人。We remember the cruelty of enemies who murdered the innocent, and rejoiced in our suffering.

亚特兰大陪审团宣布一名36岁男性谋杀罪名成立。该男子于2005年在法庭滥杀无辜。The jury in Atlanta convicts a 36-year-old man of murder in a 2005-shooting spree in a courthouse.

但不管他们喊的是什么口号,他们滥杀无辜时,都具有相同的邪恶目的。But whatever slogans they chant, when they slaughter the innocent, they have the same wicked purposes.

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对于那些崇尚恐怖、滥杀无辜的人,我们的精神是强大而不可战胜的。For those advocating terror, the killing of innocent people, our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken.

认为滥杀一种可以从空气中最终迫使西方国家施加禁飞区。That kind of indiscriminate killing from the air could finally force Western nations to impose a no-fly zone.

唐僧却误会孙悟空滥杀无辜,将其逐出师门。The Tang Dynasty the monk misunderstands Sun Wu empty excessive to kill however innocent, chase its a division door.

滥捕滥杀青年学生的事件,使全国知识界义愤填膺,群情鼎沸。These indiscriminate attacks against the educated youth brought the literate of the nation to an angry boiling point.

美国相关部门报告说中国官方已经承认滥杀和折磨拷打罪行。The State Department said in a report that the authorities in China had committed extra-judicial killings and torture.

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为防止折磨并滥杀无辜的重大犯罪,曼宁犯了泄露证据的轻罪。To prevent the major crime of torturing and murdering innocents, he committed the minor crime of leaking the evidence.

汉人世侯综合素质的变化,将使他们在战争中,更少地受蒙古族军人滥杀之风的影响,更多地重视人的生命和文化的保护。So they paid more attention to the protection of life and culture, and reduce the Mongolian army random to kill persons.

军方被指控非法杀人、滥施酷刑、非法扣押及不加选择地开火导致滥杀无辜。The military has been accused of unlawful killings, torture, seizures and indiscriminate fire that has killed innocents.