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她给我留下一封信,也算是遗书吧。She left a letter of me, a sort of will.

他补充说,警方也没有发现遗书。Police also didn't find a suicide note, he added.

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我撕毁遗书,坐到车里,发动引擎。I tore up the note, got in the car and started driving.

不到50个字的遗书,写得歪歪扭扭、错字连篇。The letter is of fewer than 50 words, but is full of mistakes.

1941年,伦敦郊外利奇蒙德镇,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫在写她的遗书。Virginia Woolf's writing her last words, Richmond, London suburban, 1941

但在1977年,他却自尽了,并留下一份请求宽容的遗书。But he never did. In 1977, he killed himself, leaving a note asking forgiveness.

她留下遗书让淑萍花轿来了一定要走,永不再回邱家。She left a suicide note let shu ping sedan must go, never back to the high house.

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调查者称目前没有发现谋杀的征象,也没有找到证据证明他有自杀的念头和遗书。Investigators said there were no signs of foul play and no will or suicide note was found.

警方并未公布遗书内容及施诺尔自杀原因。Police did not divulge the note's contents, and gave no reason why Schnor took his own life.

据称,陈水总是厦门本地人,1954年生,警方在他家发现了一封遗书。It said Chen was a local resident born in 1954 and that police found a suicide note in his home.

在服下大量安眠药前,郑章远写下了这封遗书给李光耀。In the large dose of sleeping pills, Zheng wrote a long chapter to this testament to Lee Kuan Yew.

警方称他手持两把左轮手枪和一封遗书进入一间教室,然后开始胡乱射击一通。Police say he entered a classroom with two revolvers and a suicide note, and began shooting indiscriminately.

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土地庙等后出郭煌遗书是上述观点的实物例证。Dunhuang books later recovered from places like temples of local gods are material proof of the aforesaid view.

据法医透露,上周去世的著名时装设计师亚历山大·麦昆系上吊自杀,并在附近留下遗书。Fashion designer Alexander McQueen hanged himself last week after leaving a note nearby, a coroner said Wednesday.

KBS电视台公开的这部分遗书内容,犹如重磅炸弹让韩国民众无不感到震惊。KBS television testament open this part of the contents of blockbuster like the South Korean people are so shocked.

但耳疾恶化使他疾苦万分,因此他写下了海利根施塔特遗书,陈说凄惨遭遇与不幸。But ear problems worsened his pain is intense, and so he wrote the Heiligenstadt testament, tragic and unfortunate statement.

他在遗书中写道,他之所以结束自己的生命,为的是一项“虚无主义实验”的哲学研究。In the note Heisman wrote that he took his life as part of a philosophical exploration he called "an experiment in nihilism."

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他在遗书中写道,他之以是竣事本身的生命,为的是一项“虚无主义试验”的哲学研究。in the note heisman wrote that he took his life as part of a philosophical exploration he called "an experiment in nihilism."

遗书以韩语书写,与典型的韩国表达方式一样,行文很少使用主语。遗书全文如下。He wrote the note in Korean and, as is typical in Korean expression, he used few subjects in his sentences. In full, the note said.

了解敦煌遗书中的行草书法,必须要从敦煌的政治、经济、文化、学术、佛教等一起去探讨。To know the free and grass script of Dunhuang posthumous writing is to study the politics economy culture scholarship and Buddhism.