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我们是双胞胎!We are twins!

他们一准是双胞胎。They must be twins.

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他们对这些双胞胎进行了研究。And they studied them.

太幸福了,我也想要双胞胎。I also want to have twins.

我总是把这对双胞胎弄混。I always mix up the twins.

那是你双胞胎弟弟吗?Is that your twin brother?

这对双胞胎互相爱护。The twins love each other.

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而双胞胎则是三十六周。for twins it's thirty-six.

李华和李丽是双胞胎。Li Hua and Li Li are twins.

米克和他妈的双胞胎。Mick and his fuckin’ twins.

这哥儿俩是双胞胎。The two brothers are twins.

瘦弱的双胞胎锡匠。Tim , the thin twin tinsmith.

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这对双胞胎个头儿一样高。The twins are of equal height.

是的。他们有一对双胞胎!Yes, they do. They have a twin.

17岁时,我怀上了一对双胞胎。At 17 I got pregnant with twins.

我和露西·金是双胞胎姐妹。Lucy King and I are twin sisters.

那对双胞胎看上去纷歧样。That twins doesn't look the same.

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恭喜,你得了2对双胞胎。Congratulations, you got twins x2.

甚至是家人也分不清这对双胞胎。Even the family confuse the twins.

她妻子生了一对双胞胎女孩。His wife gave birth to twin girls.