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例如,旋毛虫会使人感染上旋毛虫病。The trichinella worm, for example, causes the infection trichinellosis.

旋毛虫的体细胞分离,可以不用加胰酶消化。It need not add pancreatin to separate the somatic cells of Trichinella spiralis.

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本试验对旋毛虫各隔离种雌虫体外产新生幼虫能力进行了研究。Newborn larva production per female worm of 4 Trichinella isolates in vitro was compared.

应用超高压技术,对旋毛虫肌幼虫进行杀灭作用研究。The parasiticidal effects of superhigh pressure were studied for Trichinella Spiralis larvae.

目的观察甲苯咪唑对旋毛虫幼虫及其寄生的骨骼肌的作用。Aim To study the action of mebendazole on larvae of Trichinella spiralis and its parasitical muscle.

目的比较旋毛虫成虫可溶性抗原和排泄分泌抗原对小鼠的免疫保护作用。Aim The immune protective effect of two antigens of Trichinella spiralis adult worm on mice was compared.

目的比较旋毛虫成虫虫体抗原、排泄分泌抗原和表面抗原对小鼠产生的免疫保护作用。Aim To compare the immune protective effect of three antigens of Trichinella spiralis adult worm on mice.

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目的对2004年2月云南大理市发生的一起食源性旋毛虫感染进行研究。Objective To study the Trichinella infection occurred in the population in Xizhou town, Daly city in 2004.

熊身上住著旋毛虫,遇到那些烹煮熊肉时火力不够旺的人,?们就很高兴地加以感染。The bears harbor the trichinella roundworm, which happily infects people who keep too low a fire on Smokey.

本文对旋毛虫新生幼虫扫描电镜下的体表形态作了描述。The surface morphology of newborn larva of Trjchinella spiralis was studied with scanning electron microscope.

目的比较旋毛虫成虫虫体抗原、排泄分泌抗原和表面抗原对小鼠产生的免疫保护作用。Objective To compare the immune protective effect of three antigens of Trichinella spiralis adult worm in mice.

系统地探讨了不同培养条件对犬旋毛虫肌幼虫体外培养的影响。The various culture factors affecting the vitro culture of larva-in-muscle of canine Trichinella were discussed.

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本文介绍了旋毛虫新生幼虫抗原保护性免疫研究的新进展。This article introduced the new developments on the study of protective immunity of T. spiralis newborn larvae antigens.

然而,关于动物感染旋毛虫后肉汁中抗体水平的动态变化尚未见报道。However, the dynamic changes of anti-Trichinella antibodies in muscle juice samples of infected animals are not reported.

目的探讨旋毛虫体细胞的分离方法和活性检测。Objective To explore the methods for separating somatic cells of Trichinella spiralis and the determination of their activity.

表明丙硫咪唑可通过抑制旋毛虫幼虫的糖、核酸的代谢,以及ATP产生而起杀虫作用。It is suggested that the mechanism of ADZ making encysted larva lethal is inhibiting metabolism of glycogen, RNA, and DNA, and ATP production.

旋毛虫新生幼虫抗原具有很好的免疫原性,有明显的抗旋毛虫保护性免疫作用。Newborn larvae antigens of Trichinella spiralis have better immunogenicity, which can induce an obvious immune protection against T. spiralis.

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反之,日本血吸虫的预先感染对旋毛虫肌肉幼虫产量无明显影响。In contrast, a preliminary infection with S. japonicum showed no influence on the burden of muscle larva of a subsequent T. spiralis infection.

对血清各类抗体的检测,可反映机体感染旋毛虫后的免疫状态。The examination for each class antibodies may indicate the immune condition of host and the immune effect of vaccine after T. spiralis infection.

本试验首次系统地探讨了影响犬旋毛虫肌幼虫体外培养的多种因素。By the first time, We discussed systermly the various factors affected the cultivation in vitro of the Larva in muscle of canine Trichinella in the research.