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而这会带来过度曝光的风险。That risks over-exposure.

每张图片有20秒曝光时间。Each image is a 20-second exposure.

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夜间合适的曝光度是多少?What is a proper exposure at night?

现在,让我们调整鞋钉曝光。Now, let's adjust the tacks exposure.

这个孩子对语言曝光不足。The child was underexposed to language.

就是,没有这样曝光的。There is no such thing as over-exposed.

曝光时间长会使轮廓不清。Time exposures produce a fuzzy boundary.

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然后更多地曝光自己。and to really expose yourself to, a lot.

唯一不同的曝光时间时,包围。Only vary the exposure time when bracketing.

模糊是曝光一秒钟的结果。The blur is courtesy of a one-second exposure.

在美国消费者中相对高的曝光度。A relatively high exposure to the U.S. consumer.

你可以用三角架,并加长曝光时间。You could use a tripod and a long exposure time.

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然而,她本人的个人品牌是否存在曝光过度的问题呢?But was she, in fact, overexposing her own brand?

然后当然你们还有职业的曝光。And then of course you have occupational exposures.

曝光动作可采用手动式、依操作人员需要而自行调速。Exposure cycle can be switch to manual by operator.

全自动,高照度的紫外线曝光系统。Fully automated, high-intensity UV exposure systems.

分离式曝光盒设计,对位精准。Separate exposure box design, contrapuntal accurate.

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你越曝光自己,就越容易学会英语。The more you expose yourself, the easier it will be.

大多数树和天空都过度曝光了。Most of the trees and the sky are way too overexposed.

科学已经迎头赶上,巫师的丑恶嘴脸终被曝光。The science has caught up and the shamans are exposed.