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公司可以将这笔钱存到银行,以防范天有不测风云。It could put it in the bank and save it for a rainy day.

天有不测风云,尤其是个新手在“尽力而为”的时候。Shit happens, especially when a newbie is "trying his best".

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但是天有不测风云,飞机又遇到了紧急情况,四人一致商量还是老办法。But days of contingency situation, the aircraft also have an emergency case, four or discuss the same old methods.

这实在是叫作“天有不测风云”,她的男人是结实人,谁知道年纪轻轻,就会断送在伤寒上。It was really a bolt from the blue, Her husband was so strong, nobody could have guessed that he would die of typhoid fever.

然而,天有不测风云,莎莉永远的离开了我们,每当想起她和看到这张老照片的时候,我常常悲痛不已,黯然泪下。However, fortune is fickle, Sally left us forever, every time I thought of her and saw the old picture, I felt sorrowful and cried.

然而天有不测风云,四朵在回来的路上救人负伤,最后不治身亡。However something unexpected may happen any time, 4 save a person to be wounded on the road that come back, do not treat finally die.

只有这样我们才能找到一个好的适合自己的工作,而且我们应当尽自己最大的能力去赚钱,要知道天有不测风云,这样做是以防万一。Only in his way can we find a good and proper job and try our best to make as much money as possible in case some bad things happen unexpectedly any time.

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然而,天有不测风云,去年尽管弗里曼夫妇仅仅拖欠了3个月的贷款,银行就试图收回他们住的房子。Yet somehow things don't feel so good any more. Last year the bank tried to repossess the Freemans' home even though they were only three months in arrears.

然而,天有不测风云,去年尽管弗里曼夫妇仅仅拖欠了3个月的贷款,银行就试图收回他们住的房子。Yet somehow things don’t feel so good any more. Last year the bank tried to repossess the Freemans’ home even though they were only three months in arrears.

天有不测风云,唐氏公司忽然被取消竞拍皇陵镇的资格,原因是公司未及时向主办方交纳保证金。It is the unforeseen that suddenly downs company was disqualified from the town of bidding tomb, the reason is that the company did not timely pay deposit to the organizers.

然而天有不测风云,虽然已有深谋远虑,但是传承之时仍面临危机与挑战,天通股份新一代掌门人潘建清冷静面对、沉着应对,带领公司顺利进入后家族企业发展的新时代。But something unexpected may happen, there are still unexpected crisis and challenges. Finally , the young leader, Pan Jianqing, has successfully brought the TDG into a new era of post-Pan.