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当宽和高相等时,就是一个圆形。When width and height are equal, the shape is a circle.

之后在CSS中设置了宽和高。The width and height attributes are then set in the CSS.

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您的腹部的这运动是软和宽和流体。This movement of your abdomen is soft and wide and fluid.

利用SPIDER装置测量了出射脉冲的脉宽和光谱相位。The pulse duration and the spectral phase are measured by SPIDER.

EN-V汽车就像一个方块,宽和高都是5英尺。The EN-Vs are just as wide as they are tall, measuring 5 feet cubed.

时光是条大河,比我们所知道的任何河流都要来的宽和深。Time is a great flowing river, vaster and wider than any river we know.

分析了光束束宽和包层对成像的影响。The effects of the optical beam width and cladding on imaging are analysed.

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厅的设计要考虑面宽和进深的协调。The design of hall should consider bizygomatic breadth and into deep harmony.

宽带宽和低失真特性则有益于音频和其它交流应用。Audio and other AC applications benefit from the wide bandwidth and low distortion.

这些线宽小于谱线的自然线宽和腔场的衰减率。Whose linewidths are each smaller than the natural linewidth and cavity decay rate.

预设上,IGRP使用频宽和延迟的静态因素来计算权值值。By default, IGRP uses the static factors bandwidth and delay to calculate a metric value.

家鼠种间主要依靠足印大小、印宽和足趾间距离鉴别。The difference of rodents mainly depended on footprint size , breadth and toe 's interval.

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在两端有对齐控件的可调道路。可配置路宽和类型。Adjustable road with alignment controls on both ends. Road width and type are configurable.

法布里珀罗腔的反射率在线宽和腔长一定时,有一最佳值。When the linewidth and the length of F P cavity are chosen, there is an optimum reflectivity.

落后时,电脑会在60-70分钟时变换为攻击态势,用的是高心态、阵形变宽和快节奏。When losing, the AI often reverts to an attacking strategy between the 60 and 70 minute marks.

粒长比粒宽和粒厚表现更大的超亲遗传。Length of grain showed a higher transgressive inheritance than grain width and grain thickness.

矢量图像是一系列描述线段的方向、线宽和颜色的命令。A vector graphic is a series of commands that describe a line's direction, thickness, and color.

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期待与有诚心、爱心、责任心、壮健宽和的你携手共进,漫步人生路!Expecting kind-hearted , lovely, responsible, strong man looking forward an rambling way of life.

红外测温由于它具有测温范围宽和非接触性等优点,使得测温过程简易方便而被普遍采用。The method of the infrared temperature surveying is applied in wild-range for it has many merits.

荧光强度从GABB,GAYB,GANB逐步减弱,荧光半高宽和荧光寿命逐步变小。The fluorescence intensity, FWHM and emission lifetime of GABB, GAYB, GANB were reduced gradually.