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上床的时候千万不要从头到脚捂的严严实实。Don't come to bed covered up from head to toe.

然后再买来包装纸,严严实实地包起来。Then we buy wrapping paper and wrap it all up.

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电视机用一个床罩严严实实地盖住了。The television was sheathed in a snug coverlet.

两顶巨大的伞盖可以将情侣覆盖的严严实实。The double-broad canopy offers full coverage for two.

所经过的屋舍都静静无声,严严实实地落着窗帘。The houses all stood silent and sturdy with windows curtained.

她总是将自己包裹得严严实实,但我认为那样没有必要。She usually covers herself up, but I don't think that's necessary.

夜又黑又冷,以是他把她裹得严严实实的。He wrapped her up with great care, the night being dark and frosty.

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汽车的玻璃上结了严严实实的一层冰,能见度几乎等于零。Ice packed up against the car glasses,and the visibility was just about nil.

土耳其军队用带刺的铁丝将瓦罗莎围了个严严实实,现在更是完全控制了该地区。The Turkish military wrapped it in barbed wire and now controls it completely.

你看她,包得严严实实的,像是美景镇最可口的小肉卷。I mean, look at her, all wrapped up, like the tastiest little burrito in fairview.

在厨房的桌子旁边,这个孩子穿得严严实实的,坐在她父亲的腿上。The child was fully dressed and sitting on here father’s lap near the kitchen table.

载着他的是一辆轻便马车,车厢关得严严实实,车篷也放下了。He was in a coach with the hood let down and a carriage apron completely covering it.

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我们在房子里挤得严严实实,动动胳膊都会撞到别人。We packed the room so tight that one could not move an elbow without jostling somebody.

窗帘拉的严严实实,但帘布很薄,我能看到她在家中移动。The curtains are closed tight, but the fabric is thin, and I see hermoving about inside.

由于退水时间太长,这些树木已被蜘蛛网包裹得严严实实。The water took so long to recede, and the trees became covered in a cocoon of spiderwebs.

创刊号的封面上是一名被穆斯林罩袍裹得严严实实的妇女,手持一只冲锋枪。On the cover of the first issue is a robe wrapped up by Muslim women, armed with a submachinegun.

在人类有记载的大部分历史中,西方社会的男人们将妇女从头到脚包裹得严严实实。For most of recorded history, men in western society kept their womenfolk clothed from head to foot.

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学校东边去往教工宿舍的路上被围墙围住,严严实实地盖上了爬山虎。To the east of the school to the faculty dormitory road fence surrounded, tightly covered with ivy field.

这在中国简直不可想象,那儿的女人一般都会把自己裹得严严实实,为了不让自己的皮肤晒成苦工一样的古铜色。Pursuing a tan is anathema in China, where women vigilantly cover their skin to avoid the bronze of a laborer.

首先,萨科奇先生对于在法国穿戴布卡——这是一种从头到脚都被严严实实盖住的伊斯兰服装——的强硬路线。The first was Mr Sarkozy’s firm line on the wearing of the burqa, the Islamic head-to-toe covering, in France.