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病愈后他感到虚弱。He felt weak after illness.

她病愈后脸色苍白。She looked pale after the illness.

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你两三天就会病愈的。You'll recover in two or three days.

好好睡觉可以救助你病愈后规复体重。A good sleep may help you pick up flesh.

她很快病愈。She made a quick recovery from her illness.

自我病愈以来他还没来看过我。He has never come to see me since I was ill.

自我病愈以来,他屡次写信给我。He has writing to me frequently since I am ill.

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有助于孩子的觉得统开平衡病愈。Help children feel integrative dysfunction recovery.

病愈后,他又回到了工作岗位,并且入了党。He recovered, he returned to work, and into the party.

加速身体病愈后的复元能力。Reinforces the body's ability to recover after sickness.

“我病愈的可能性有多大?”久病不起的病人问道。"What are the chances of my recovering?"asked the bed-ridden man.

“我病愈的可能性有多大?”久病不起的病人问道。"What are the chances of my recovering?" asked the bed-ridden man.

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茄马特船长病愈后从帕尔马岛回来了。Captain Gaumard, recovered from his illness, had returned from Palma.

苏珊病愈后数周才恢复体力。It took Susan several weeks to recover her strength after the illness.

玛丽自从病愈以后,一直参加更多社交活动。Mary has been getting about much more since she recovered from her illness.

见证!“百年黑膏”病愈乳腺疾病显奇效!Witness! One hundred black paste rehabilitation disease show surprise effect!

我十五岁的时候得了黄疸病,发病时在秋天,病愈时在春天。WHEN I was fifteen, I got hepatitis. It started in the fall and lasted until spring.

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周木阳终于病愈醒来也让周大出去做工,但周大却被土匪绑架了。Zhou Muyang finally woke up also let weeks recovering go out to work, but weeks was kidnapped by bandits.

祖父最近病愈后看来很高兴。他甚至在花园一边干活一边唱歌呢。Grandfather seems to be in fine feather after his recent illness. He even sings as he works in his garden.

美满病愈办事机制,进步办事水划一是低落残疾的紧张要领。Perfecting the rehabilitation service mechanism and improving service level is an important measure to reduce the disabled.