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胆盐及胆色素增高。Urinalysis yielded bile salts and pigments.

血浆前白蛋白明显增高。Prealbumin in plasma was improved in TNA group.

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重庆哪里有卖增高鞋?回答知…Where Chongqing has sell increase the high shoe?

能对青少年全身拉伸帮助增高。Young people can help in-crease general tension.

而且未来还会持续地增高。and so many emissions are going to keep coming from.

这是另一种有效的增高方法。This is another effective height increasing exercise.

王丽君也没有告诉朋友自己做增高手术的事情。Wang Lijun has also not told her friends where she is.

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地皮、水资源、能源和运输费用也在节节增高。Land, water, energy and shipping costs are on the rise.

我强烈推荐做这项增高练习。I highly recommend doing this height increasing exercise.

漂亮就这样成为我的增高剂,培养了我的霸气。Beautiful increased so as my agent, my domineering culture.

集沙效率随着距床面高度的增加而急剧增高。The efficiencies of traps increase with height above the bed.

沥青质含量增高时,原油质量变坏。Asphaltene content increased, the deterioration of oil quality.

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腮腺炎常引起血清淀粉酶增高。The blood amylase is usually elevated as a result of parotitis.

血脂异常率有随年龄增大而增高的趋势。The dyslipidemia rate had trend of increasing with age growing.

冲刺伤害减少,起始速度要求增高。Couched lancing does less damage and kicks in at a higher speed.

恶性肿瘤已成为人类的主要死因之一,且有发病率呈逐年增高趋势。Malignant tumor is one of the main death causes in human-beings.

自从新铁路筑成以后,这块地的价值大为增高。The land has appreciated greatly since the new railway was buit.

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我要摆动它,让它增高的距离为。I'm going to offset it so that y this is higher over a distance y.

在染着金发、穿着内增高的人身上?In the little man with dyed golden head plagiarizing others works?

这一型中华白蛉的比例随海拔的增高而增大。In general, the proportion of "Form B" increased with the altitude.