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核桃是当地的土特产。Walnut is a local specialty here.

这是我从中国带来的土特产。Here is a local speciality from China.

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榴莲是马来西亚、印度尼西亚和汶莱的土特产。Durian is native to Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei.

你去的时候,不要忘了尝尝那儿的枣,是当地的土特产。While you're there, remember to try the dates, a local specialty.

罐罐菌营养价值极高,它是当地腊尔山台地的一种土特产。Guanguan mushroom contains high nutrition, it is the local Lar mountain native specialty.

此外,香菇也是我国传统的出口土特产。In addition, the shiitake mushroom is also our country tradition exports the local product.

安德逊先生,我谨代表我局送你一件土特产。Mr. Amderson on behalf of our bureau, I'd like to present you with a special-local product.

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尤其在土特产项目上拥有自己的原产地,可以满足合作伙伴的需求。Especially in the souvenir items have their own country of origin, to meet the needs of partners.

土特产主要有龙眼葡萄、保安大米、王帽杏仁、中华沙棘汽酒。Longan produces mainly grapes, security rice, almond cap Wang, the Chinese sea buckthorn sparkling wine.

刺角瓜也被称作果冻瓜或者英国番茄,它是非洲喀拉哈里沙漠的土特产。Horned melon is also called jelly melon or English tomato. The fruit is native to Kalahari Desert in Africa.

金枫黄酒、枫泾丁蹄、状元糕、豆腐干四大土特产被称作“枫泾四宝”。Jin Feng rice wine, small hoof Fengjing, top cakes, tofu four native products are known as "Sibao Fengjing."

刚才去给朋友买了些土特产,超市里的土特产大多又大又沉,拿起来太不方便了。Most of the gift is too big and too heavy, it's not convenience at all, so I only bought some choclate and cake.

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本机主要针对食品、饮料、土特产、陶瓷等体积较大的物品进行套膜封切包装。The machine is mainly for the food, beverage, native products, ceramics and other larger items closures cut packaging film sets.

当她沿山路返回家乡时,会再买些药材、蘑菇和其他土特产拿到县里销售。When returning from her mountain sales trips, she bought herbs, mushrooms and other local goods and resold them in county markets.

所谓“尿煮童子蛋”,实为中国东部的浙江东阳的土特产,绵延至今几千年。Spring eggs hardboiled in boys' urine has been a local delicacy in Dongyang, Zhejiang Province, eastern China, for thousands of years.

彻斯特餐馆有浓厚的乡村特色,厨师多次获奖,菜单上有本地土特产。Chesters restaurant has a great rustic charm and a superb menu to complete some of the local produce prepared by an award winning chef.

本次毕业设计的题目是仙居土特产专卖网的设计与实现。This graduation project's topic is the dwelling place of celestial beings local product specializes in selling net's design with to realize.

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抚松县露水河天祥土特产有限公司,位于吉林省抚松县露水河镇,地处长白山腹地。Tianxiang souvenirs Limited, located in the town of Lushuihe Fusong County, Jilin Province, is located in the hinterland of Changbai Mountain.

可广泛应用于食品、土特产、糖果、茶叶、医药、五金等行业、是商店、家庭、工厂使用方便、最经济的封口设备。They can be widely used for batch manufacturing of foods, medicine, hardware, they are used to seal equipment in super market, family and factory.

爱尚土特产的产品在消费者当中享有较高的地位,公司与多家零售商和代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关系。Love is still native products among consumers to enjoy higher status, with many retailers and agents to establish a long-term stable cooperative relations.