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我身上是干的。I am dry.

他撞在我身上。He bumped into me.

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狗身上系着铃。The dog was belled.

你弄得身上都是泥。You got mud ll over.

所有人都踩在他身上.All step on his body.

我身上全是鱼腥味儿。I've stunk with fish.

穿这件新衬衫让人身上发痒。The new shirt itches.

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你弄得身上都是泥。You got mud all over.

你在自己身上撒尿?You peed on yourself?

我的身上、我的罪愆。On all my sins and me.

哦你身上有根头发。Oops . You got a hair.

愿甜蜜的快乐降临你身上!Sweet joy befall thee!

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在神身上有信心。Have confidence in God.

在他身上这事确实发生了。He does have it in him.

他身上溅满了血。He is dabbled in blood.

他们在我身上看到耶酥了吗?。Do they see Jesus in me.

我身上没有钱。I have no money with me.

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幸运只会在你身上降临一次。Luck offers once on you.

那么在他身上发生了什么?So what happened to him?

你身上有5英镑吗?Have you 5 pounds on you?