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纯净无瑕、不染纤尘。Perfect purity, non-staining.

她的眼神依旧清纯,仿佛水晶般纤尘不染。The look from her eye is still so pure, like a dustless crystal.

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我兴高采烈地吃着早餐,看着点点纤尘在从后窗射入的阳光里轻舞飞扬。I ate breakfast cheerily, watching the dust moats stirring in the sunlight that streamed in the back window.

雪花,是上天降落人间的精灵,她,纯洁无暇,纤尘不染,风姿绰约。Snow, is the God of landing the human spirit, her pure, spotlessly clean, charming appearance and personality.

沃尔玛店内灯光舒适,纤尘不染,商品安全、可靠、陈列美观,尽管与阿肯色周有一些不同。Its wares are safe, reliable and tastefully displayed, though they differ somewhat from those on offer in Arkansas.

易过敏人士的完美睡袋,这款睡袋可以帮你有效躲避花粉、纤尘、细菌以及其它易造引起过敏的物质。Perfect for people with allergies, this sleeping bag will keep away pollen, dust mites, fungi and other allergy triggers.

只是,我依然坚持的相信,这是一个人的祭礼——白衣胜雪、不染纤尘。However, I still firmly believe, that this is a ceremony of one – with white robes purer than snow, unfazed by dirt and dust.

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一辆纤尘不染的出租车停了下来,司机迅速下车为我打开客座车门,等我舒服地坐好后才把车门关上。A spotless cab pulled up. The driver rushed to open the passenger door for me and made sure I was comfortably seated before he closed the door.

在这世界里,你能成为一面纤尘不染的镜子,让造物主的神圣性透过你的明镜大放光明,照亮周遭的一切。In this world you can become a spotless mirror, in which the Holiness of your Creator shines forth from you to all around you. You can reflect Heaven here.

也许等到有一天我们都完全地老了,我作为一名亲友去拜会百良表哥最后一面的时候,可能来告诉他,多少年里,有一份记忆从来都在心里,未染纤尘。Maybe one day we are old, I as a family visit hundred good cousin one last time, to tell him, how many years, has a memory never in my heart, not with dust.

也许你正遭受难以抑制的贪、嗔、痴欲的困扰,向往纤尘不染的心灵境界,那么请停下你手中的工作,静下心来,打开音乐。Perhaps, you are suffering from uncontrollable greed, hatred and ignorance. Then, please stop your work and calm down. Turn on our app and let the music make your soul soothing and peaceful.