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人们通常认为霍林赫斯特是那种严肃刻板、超然物外的人物。Hollinghurst is usually seen as an austere, detached figure.

人往往很难超然物外。People often have difficulties rising above material temptation.

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观察事物时超然物外,有时会被误认为不喜欢或不感兴趣。Engaging in detached observation which can be misread as dislike or disapproval.

这首诗寄托了诗人摆脱世俗、超然物外的思想感情。It is entrusted with the poet's desire of breaking away from the mundane world and staying aloof from the mortal life.

多元系统论从超然物外的描述性视角来研究支配翻译活动及其它文化活动的规范。Polysystem theory looks at norms that govern translational and other cultural activities from a descriptive perspective.

与西方传统上对现实世界的设想相比,中国古代对世界的想象更显得超然物外。Compared with the traditional western perception of the world, the ancient Chinese seemed to have a more detached approach.

莫扎特的音乐,风格明朗,旋律优美,结构严谨,具有强烈的古典色彩和超然物外的特点。The unique musical style of Mozart was felt in the beautiful melody, rigorous structure and the distinctive classical music characteristics.

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他的笔墨里显示了深厚的传统文化精髓,带有超然物外的人文气质。From any brush or line of his works one can feel his deep understanding of traditional Chinese culture that shines with an ethereal humanistic quality.

父母们不知道在孩子整个的一生中,对平静的需要任何时候都没有在孩提时代那么重要---一种超然物外的内心平静。Parents do not see that during the whole life, the need of peace is never greater than in the years of childhood, an inner peace under all outside liveliness.

瞩目于时空的种种转换,抒情主体以一“看风景人”超然物外的姿态,叩问“相对”,寻求超越。With the keen interest in shifts between time and space, the poet, as a "sightseer", has been exploring transcendence of relativism in a disinterested manner.

小说故事精彩迂回动人,以饱含激情的笔墨,超然物外的审视眼光,展示了浓郁的民族风情和土司制度的浪漫机密。Wonderful stories with inherent passion tortuous and moving, the ink, devotions look scrutiny, show the strong national customs and chieftain system romantic secret.