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我希望你将成为我们的靠山。I hope that you will become our patron.

有没有靠山,难道我会在乎么?Patron or no patron, what care I? You DO care.

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山木知道不论境遇如何,他都可把家庭作为靠山。Sam knows he can depend on his family, rainorshine.

本疗养院靠山傍水,幢幢精美的别墅待君光临。You are welcome to stay in one of our exquisite villas.

“圣林”修道院的主持是弱者的万无一失的靠山。The good Abbot of Holywood is a strong pillar to the weak.

“圣林”修道院是弱者强有力的靠山。The good abbot of holy wood is a strong pillar to the weak.

而这就是你将来安身立命的资本,你可以借此找到新的靠山。And this is your future more capital, you can find new patron.

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无论信教还是不信教的黑人,都把教堂当作靠山。Both religious and non-religious blacks depended on the church.

靠山山会倒、靠水水会流,不如靠自己好!Falling back mountain, bying water will flow, depend on oneself!

以日本邮船会社为靠山的运输公司谴责运价下跌,收益下滑。NYK-backed carrier blames decision on pricing decline, falling yields.

当他24他画的肖像弘四,谁成了他的靠山。When he was 24 he painted a portrait of Philip IV, who became his patron.

长久以来以“红色的肯”而闻名的他,不仅将主要工商会如联合工会和英国总工会的选票稳入手中,还有伦敦大会工党做靠山。He also has the backing of most of the Labour members of the London Assembly.

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拜纳姆已成为湖人防守中的最后一道屏障,是他们稳固的靠山。Andrew Bynum has become the last line of defense for the Lakers, their anchor.

靠山山会倒,靠人人会跑,只有自己最可靠。Backer mountain would pour, by everybody will be run, only your most reliable.

每个表的堆栈是结合靠山表的硬纸板或重磅纸。Each stack of sheets is combined with a backer sheet of chipboard or heavy paper.

乡办酒厂生产的“靠山牌”高级人参葡萄酒获国家金奖。Township Office winery production " backing card " by the High Country Gold ginseng wine.

小型快速夹适用于小件的组装以及固定一个辅助模具或靠山。Small quick clamps are good for light assembly and for holding a jig or straightedge in place.

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他表现得非常镇定,出色的传球,强大的支援,还有很好的制空能力,一个真正的中场靠山。Over the past four games he has been excellent. He gets stuck in and is very strong in the air.

他没事儿摆弄那些零钱干什么?她发觉了我在瞅着她,那眼神儿仿佛老是在物色着旁的男人——一个好靠山。What is he foostering over that change for? Sees me looking. Eye out for other fellow always. Good fallback.

可是尽管有了以上的一切,是中国家庭的传统力量仍然是这个国家很多方面的靠山。Despite all of these, the strength of family tradition remains a powerful anchor in many parts of the country.