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房基塌陷。The foundations have sunk.

那座桥在暴风雨中塌陷了。The bridge buckled in the storm.

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关节面未见明显塌陷情况。No joint surface collapse was found.

肩膀像泪珠颤抖着塌陷。Shoulders falling down like teardrops.

当我哥哥移动它时,吊顶塌陷了。When Vadim removed it, the ceiling collapsed.

上海突现路面塌陷“坑”来横祸防不胜防。Road section collapses into 5-meter long hole.

缣他不再是我的世界,因为我的世界已塌陷。He is no longer my world, because my world collapsed.

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地面在沉重的汽车的重压下塌陷了。The ground gave in under the weight of the heavy car.

大地在我们齐足而立的一线间轰然塌陷。And the ground caved in between where we were standing.

诸多钢梁和金属网支撑着正在塌陷的诸多钢梁和金属网支撑着正在塌陷的斜坡。Steel beams and metal netting prop up collapsing slopes.

走进低矮房舍,天花板塌陷危及可见,这是一个充满霉味和回忆的房子。There's an acrid smell and the rooms are full of memories.

在地下水强径流带,塌陷分布较为密集。Collapse distribution centres on the intensive runoff zones.

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救援人员应知道如何定位和搜寻这些塌陷空腔。Rescue workers should know how to locate and search these voids.

这个塌方是大雨与下水道塌陷造成的。The sinkhole was caused by rains and an underground sewage flow.

倘若雪融时间提前,那么洞穴将会塌陷。If the snow starts melting early, the den could start collapsing.

背部肌肉发达,在马肩隆后没有塌陷,在腰部也没有拱起。Back muscular with no dip behind the withers or roach over the loin.

那一刻,我整个世界都塌陷了,闪电击碎了我的心。At that moment, my whole world collapsed, lightning through my heart.

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德克梅吉恩州长要求对高速公路塌陷事件进行调查。Governor Deukmejian called for an inquiry into the freeway 's collapse.

而SP3代H8株系两性花的花粉粒皱缩、扁瘪、塌陷。But H8 strain's pollen grain of SP3 generation is distorted and shrunken.

随着隆隆的巨响,长城也随之开始崩落塌陷。Within the huge sound, the Great Wall was being avalanched and collapsed.