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第四章主要是隐逸传的文学价值的探讨。Chapter 4 mainly explored literal values of the biographies.

它和兰花一样,象征着隐逸的美。Like the orchid flower, it typifies the idea of charm in seclusion.

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元人创造了浪子-隐逸-斗士文化。The Yuan Dynasty created a culture of prodigals, recluses and fighters.

三者不同的隐逸风格影响了其诗歌的创作风貌。Their different reclusion style decided their different poem character.

隐逸文化是绽放在中华文化之树上的一朵奇葩。The recluse culture with a long history is a miracle of Chinese culture.

隐逸思想是元散曲的重要主题之一。Reclusive idea was one of important themes in lyric verses of Yuan Dynasty.

第三部分“宋代隐逸审美文化的基本特点”。Part Three"the Song Dynasty esthetic culture of reclusion's essential feature".

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第四部分主要论述辛弃疾田园隐逸情怀的抒写艺术。The fourth part mainly discusses the expressive art of xinqiji's rural emotion.

在冥思苦想中渡过的彻底隐逸暗藏着危险。There is a dangerous side to excessive solitude spent in efforts at meditation.

孤山的秀丽景色与城郊的地理位置有利于人们对林逋隐逸的评判。Beautiful scene and suburb location is in favor of the judge of LIN Bu' s reclusion.

过分隐逸使人走入歧途,迷失在狂乱幻觉中。Too much of it may cause a man to go astray and lose himself in chimeras and illusions.

隐逸的生活似乎在传统意识中一直被认为是幸福的至高境界。Judging by our traditional thoughts, a solemn and solitary man is considered the happiest.

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隐逸的生活似乎在传统意识中一直被认为是幸福的至高境界。Living a life in seclusion seems still the authentic way to attain the ultimate happiness.

谁想到山林里隐逸的高人,闻到了芬芳便满怀喜悦。Who can wonder those latent lofty men would be so happy when smelling this kind of fragrance?

隐逸者消极地退缩到了自己的世界里,最终连他的自我也昏昏欲睡,不省人事。He becomes too withdrawn into himself in a negative way, ending in a lethargic apathetic self.

谁的少数学校已经出现在小有朋友从他的评论隐逸一边。The few school friends who have surfaced have commented on little aside from his reclusiveness.

时空的苍茫更加丰盈了一首首至远古而来的吟哦,这朵隐逸之花在岁月的深巷流光溢彩。The vast space be full one song to ancient time to sing, a recluse spent years called ambilight.

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隐逸文化是以隐士为载体来反映和传播的文化复合体。Recluse culture is the cultural complex, which is reflected and spread by the recluses as carriers.

作为隐逸活动的主体,隐士是中国古代一个独特的社会群体。As the principal part of reclusive activities, recluses were a unique social colony in ancient China.

隐逸现象是中国文化中一种非常特殊且耐人寻味的文化现象。Reclusion is a very special cultural phenomenon that affords for thought in Chinese traditional culture.