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肝内胆管结石必须开刀手术吗?Intrahepatic bile duct stones have surgery surgery?

有时候,内镜逆行胰胆管造影还可以用来清除胰腺结石。Occasionally, pancreatic stones can be removed by ERCP.

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内镜逆行胰胆管造影可以诊断并清除胆管结石。Bile duct stones can be diagnosed and removed with an ERCP.

胆汁经总胆管流入十二指肠,并在胆囊贮存。Of or relating to bile, the bile ducts, or the gallbladder.

胆管结石一定要先消炎再手术吗?。Is bile duct calculous must first antiphlogistic again operation?

胆管癌以阻塞型和闭塞型狭窄多见。The obstruction type and occlusive stenosis type were more common.

胃泌素及胆囊收缩素对胆管癌细胞的运动能力没有显著影响。Gastrin and CCK had no effect on the mobility of the bile duct cell.

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两种成像技术显示了所有病人胰胆管梗阻部位。Both techniques delineated the location of occlusion in all patients.

胆色素结石是中国常见的一类胆管结石,确切的成石机制尚未明了。Pigment stones is a kind of common bile cholelithiasis in our country.

方法将人肝门部胆管癌标本进行细胞培养,传代。Methods The fresh human hilar cholangiocarcinoma specimen was cultured.

③胆管的微囊肿和赫令管膨大盲端提示胆道闭锁预后差。Blind end or cyst formation of Herring's canals predicts poor prognosis.

相反,治疗性ERCP仍在胰胆管疾病治疗中担当重要角色。In contrast, therapeutic ERCP has a vital role for the treatment of PBD.

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胆管细胞癌中发现致密核心颗粒。We found electron-dense core granules in cytoplasm of cholangiocarcinoma.

术后5例出现胆漏,均经术中常规放置的胆管引流和腹腔引流管引流治愈。No one had residual stones. Bile leakage was cured by drainage in 5 cases.

正常胆囊,胆管,右肾和腹部大血管。Normal gallbladder, biliary, right kidney and the major abdominal vessels.

目的提高肝门部胆管癌手术治疗的效果。Objectives To improve effect of the resection of hilar cholangiocarcinoma.

涂片或应用瑞姬双染法染色后观察不同病例胆管脱落细胞形态。The cell morphology was observed by cell smear or WrightGiemsa′s staining.

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黄疸和搔痒可能要到病程的相当晚期﹐有节段性胆管梗阻时才出现。They may also appear as a spongy friable mass in the lumen of the bile duct.

胆管,胰腺,脾脏,肾上腺及两个肾脏是平淡无奇的。Biliary tracts, pancreas, spleen, adrenals and both kidneys are unremarkable.

山葵提取物对胆管癌细胞凋亡的形态学表现。The morphology manifestation of cancer cells' fadeout made by wasabi extract.