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洪水奔腾澎湃漫过溪谷。The floods surged over the valley.

吼声如雷,奔腾咆哮。With their voices soft as thunder.

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愿你是永远奔腾的千里马。I wish you are always running horse.

原来是马儿奔腾的声音。It was the noise of trotting horses.

奔腾万岁,纸笔累赘。Pentium wise, pen and paper foolish.

那会儿,炽热的岩浆正从我们的身边奔腾而过。The blazing magma was surging by us.

他们筑起堤坝制服了那条奔腾的河流。They dammed and tamed the wild stream.

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黄河日日夜夜地奔腾不息。The Yellow River rolls on day and night.

如果你看到奔腾四米,那是一件好事。If you see Pentium M, that's a good thing.

时间像黄河一样不断滚滚奔腾向前。Like the Yellow River,time keeps rolling along.

这艘小船顶不住汹涌奔腾的潮水。The small boat could not stem the rushing tide.

瀑布奔腾的水流泻落在我们的船上。The water of waterfall was overshooting our boat.

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琴声中表达出来的感情奔腾澎湃得像流水一样。The sound of the lute roils and surges like a torrent.

那奔腾的海浪,无数的尖锋。That wave for dash about, the sharp of the innumerable.

万里的精神啊,如江河直泻沧海、不息奔腾。Wanli spirit, Such as cascading waters rush to the sea.

很快,丈夫便在激情奔腾中达到高潮。Very fast, the husband gallops in passion in reach a climax.

只有你独自一人和那些黑黝的松树还有奔腾的溪流。You were alone with those dark pines and the rushing waters.

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我奔腾前进,大笑着撞碎在你的膝上。I shall roll on and on, and break upon your lap with laugher.

现在你只需要花几千元就能买到奔腾IV了。Now, you can buy a pentium IV for only several thousand yuan.

奔腾的时光割断了誓言,狂怒的四季风吹老了容颜。Pentium time cut the oath, the wind furious seasons old face.