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这个酱汁要跟鸡肉一起趁热上。Serve this sauce hot with chicken.

这面趁热吃吧。Eat the noodles while they are hot.

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趁热吃了鸡肉。Help yourself to the chicken while it's hot.

布丁和爱情都要趁热享用。Puddings and paramours would be hotly handled.

饭熟后调味,盛碟,趁热享用。When rice is cooked, season to taste and serve.

把酱汁洒在蒸好的鱼上,趁热享用。Drizzle the liquid over steamed fish and serve hot.

趁热喝下巧克力饮料,冷了表面会结皮。Drink your hot chocolate before it gets a skin on it.

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烤好后趁热抹上少许融化的牛油,钢架上晾凉。Brush a bit of melted butter over top and cool on rack.

确保食物经过适当烹煮并趁热食用。Ensure food is properly cooked and still hot when served.

这道菜最好趁热吃,请慢用。The food is best eaten while hot. Please enjoy your meal.

以盐及黑胡椒粉调味,趁热拌饭或意粉享用。Season with salt and pepper, serve hot with rice or pasta.

撒一些欧芹,倒入铺有生菜叶的大碗中,趁热食用。Sprinkle with parsley. Serve warm in a lettuce-lined bowl.

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这道菜最好趁热吃请慢用。This food is best eaten while hot. Please enjoy your meat.

茄子根煎水,趁热熏洗患处,可治冻疮。Hot water, fry eggplants root nozzle, fumigation chilblain.

把蒜容蛋黄酱盛在四个碗里摆在旁边,趁热沾酱食用。Garnish with parsley. Serve warm, with the aioli on the side.

关火,把汁淋在牛肉卷上即成,趁热享用。Turn off the heat, pour the sauce onto beef rolls. Serve hot.

墨鱼熟后,取出切件,淋上芡汁,趁热品尝。Remove cuttlefish when cooked, slice and serve with the sauce.

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墨鱼熟后,取出切件,淋上芡汁,趁热品尝。Remove cuttlefish when cooled, slice and serve with the sauce.

趁热享用,可伴以印式薄饼和杂菜沙律或渍物。Serve hot with raita , papadum and vegetables salad or pickle.

最后将焗好的牛膝放于意大利饭上,趁热上桌。Put the veal shank on the risotto and add the sauce. Serve hot.