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好强阿,祝你好运!!!Good luck to you! ! !

这样跟好强的同事相处?How to get along with emulative colleague?

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好强的她,从13岁后就再也没哭过。As tough as she is, she has never cried since 13.

但是好强的沈凡却拒绝了朋友的好意。But if Shen Fan has rejected the kindness of a friend.

我是一个争胜好强的人,因此我非赢不可!I am a naturally competitive person, so I wanted to win!

以德的妻子是一个好强的女生,他什么事都得听她的。Ed's wife is a strong-minded woman and leads him around by the nose.

说,“但是他一直都很好强也很上进,所以我知道只要他长大,他就会变得很好。”He was always feisty and competitive, so I thought if he grew, he could be good.

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他的决心和好强在那么小的年纪就已经显露无遗。And his determined and competitive spirit was already apparent at that young age.

狮子女很真很好强甚至好胜,却常常真到伤痕累累。Female lions are really good and even Yoshikatsu strong, but often true to bear the scars.

在对他们羡慕的同时我心中那股好强的斗志被猛烈的激起。My admiration for them aroused the fight within me, a person always eager to outdo others.

一个动静结合的女孩,追求上进,强烈的好强心,努力勤奋,爱学习!A movement with the girl, the pursuit of progress, a strong strong heart, work hard, love learning!

如果你的同事是敌对性或者好强的,那么最好的方式可能就是在谈话中稍加休息。If your coworker is antagonistic or aggressive, it may be best to take a break from the conservation.

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其实,是自己的竞争、好强与不服输让自己感到没有选择。Actually, it's my own competitiveness and desire to stand "undefeated" that made me feel as if I had no choice.

以前,我总好强地认为,女人和男人一样,男人能干的事,女人也可以干。Formerly, I always emulatively think woman and man are the same, man can do something, and woman can also do that.

在对他们羡慕的同时我心中那股好强的斗志被猛烈的激起。My admiration for them at the same time aroused the fight within me, which is , a person always eager to outdo others.

昆曲正是在崇文重教的吴风吴俗下萌发成长,同样也在吴地争胜好强精神的支配下在明清戏坛独领风骚二百年。It's the vie spirit that let she dominant the Chinese traditional drama field for two hundred years in the MingQin dynasty.

处理协调好强调色和基本色。如果你们有认真关注我在后面建议的颜色选择,你们会看到有3种强调色和2种基本色。这样的话就不会出错。Work with basic colors and accent colors, If you carefully study my suggested color selections in the back, you see 3 accent colors and 2 basic colors, This way you will be safe.

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裴尚轩个性好强不肯接受韩以晨帮助,前往投行找老总介绍自己开发的社交足球软件。PeiShangXuan personality spirit is not willing to accept Korean to help, in the morning to social football software developed by investment Banks looking for a boss to introduce myself.