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肾虚腰痛是女性中最常见的。Kidney waist pain is the most common among women.

性爱后,第二天膝盖酸软是肾虚吗?After sex, knee soreness the next day the kidney do?

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骨康宁治疗肾虚型原发性骨质疏松有明显疗效。Gukangning appears to treat the osteoporosis with more effective results.

肾虚腰痛,是女性中最常见的腰痛。Kidney deficiency low back pain, women are the most common low back pain.

经乱区分为血虚和肾虚。Chaotic menstruation differentiated between blood vacuity and kidney vacuity.

观察治疗后淋证的复发次数以及治疗前后肾虚证候积分变化。The relapse tate and the integral of the weakness of the kidney were observed.

朱老认为本病的本质是肾督亏虚,肾虚可分为肾阳亏虚与。Professor Zhu said that the disease the essence is kidney and Du-meridian deficiency.

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表明脂质代谢过程受到中医因素的影响,其中肾虚、痰浊、血瘀是中医易患因素组合。The result showed that, the process of lipid metabolism was affected by many different factors.

入脾胃经和肺经,是补血和改善肾虚的上好食物。The spleen stomach and lung, is the blood and improve the deficiency of the kidney on good food.

扑灭由持牌按摩治疗师在此免费视频通过穴位肾虚。Fight a kidney deficiency through acupressure in this free video by a licensed massage therapist.

结论糖尿病四诊症状总分和肾虚症状总分具有内在联系且和家系背景相关。ConclusionThere is a internal link between the total score of four diagnoses and kidney-deficiency.

本方可防止早衰,又可以补益肝肾和能预防肾虚腰痛。We may prevent the early aging, may also benefit hepatorenal and can prevent the kidney empty lumbago.

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从肾藏精、生天癸、主月经、为冲任之本等方面,论述不孕的主要病理机制为肾虚。From these aspects, the article states that the main mechanism of sterility is deficiency of the kidney.

子宫内膜容受性下降为肾虚不孕症的发病机制之一。The decrease of endometrial receptivity is one of mechanism of infertility with kidney-deficiency syndrome.

这项运动以腰部为枢纽,因为肾位于腰部,所以非常适合肾虚者锻炼。To the waist as the hub of the sport, because kidney in the waist, it is ideal for those who exercise kidney.

中医认为肾虚是导致黄体功能不全的主要原因。Traditional Chinese Medicine considers that the luteal phase deficiency is mainly because Kidney Defficiency.

结论消瘅汤具有改善2型糖尿病肝热肾虚、痰瘀阻滞型患者葡萄糖脂肪代谢紊乱的作用。Conclusion This Decoction is effective for sugar and lipid metabolism disturbance in patients with type 2 diabetes.

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肾虚患者应注意心理减压,使自己心身处于愉悦状态非常重要。Kidney patients should pay attention to psychological stress, make their psychosomatic cheerful state is very important.

“性情急躁”、“弦脉”可能为范冠杰教授确定肝气郁结证的主要辨证要素,“腰酸”、“沉脉”可能为肾虚证的主要辨证要素。"Irritability" and "wiry pulse" might be the main syndrome factors for Professor Fan to determine liver stagnation syndrome.

病程较长,闭经和PCO的发生率高是肾虚血瘀证PCOS的重要特征。The high incidence of amenorrhea and PCO, longer course are the important features of kidney deficiency blood stasis of PCOS.