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供热公司如此下血本,实在是无奈啊。Heating bill, so the company is helpless now.

所谓初生牛犊不怕虎,相信力帆在520上是下了“血本”的。Not afraid of the so-called tiger, trust Lifan 520 is under the "original capital" of the.

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他父亲知道这次要下更大的血本了,因为宾客名单上有很多熟悉的面孔。His father knows it will be time to up the ante, given a guest list with many of the same faces.

当你在不明智的投资中输光血本之前,要多研究一些国内外的经济趋势。Study more about national and global economic trends before losing your shirt in unwise investments.

这次,AT&T和威瑞森公司朝着LTE技术发展,而斯普林特则在WiMax上投下血本。This time, AT&T and Verizon are moving towards LTE, while Sprint has thrown its weight behind WiMax.

这并不意味着你将要不惜血本,带她去一家豪华餐厅。That doesn`t mean you don`t have to take your sweetheart to a posh restaurant and spend a lotta bucks.

除了设计上巧妙创新,在各类原材料运用上正荣也是不惜血本。In addition to clever design and innovation in the utilization of various raw materials, Masahide is Costly.

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在该地区有一个新酒店开张因其不惜血本、投入大笔资与我们竞争并崭露头角。A brand new hotel has opened up in the area which has got a bit of an edge as it splurges on to compete with us.

这样你就会理解为什么在银行遇到坏账问题时,像中国这样的国家,会不惜血本,鼎力相助。That is why countries like China have poured fortunes into bailing out banks when they have run into bad-loan problems.

在过去几年,邮轮公司不惜血本,投资数十亿美元购入豪华得让你瞠目结舌的超级轮船。Over the past few years, cruise companies have spared no expense and literally invested billions in jaw-dropping super ships.

美俄两国政府都设法通过劝服各自计划的受益者以期获得支持,为此花了不少的政治血本。Governments in both countries have invested political capital in trying to persuade their voters of the benefits of the scheme.

今年的庆祝活动预期将比石油荣景年代相对低调些,那些年许多公司都是不惜血本地砸钱搞庆祝活动。This year's events are expected to be relatively low-key in comparison to the oil-boom years, when many companies spared no expense.

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过去,编辑音频要耗费血本,用锋利的刀片和可拼接磁带把磁带进行物理切割,然后再拼接到一起。Editing audio used to be a bloody business, using razor blades and splicing tape to physically cut magnetic tape and splice it back together.

大多数感染者在数天内死去,有的则是数月,但随之而来出现了新的种群,一大班威胁着要用力量和嗜血本能来取代人类的恶魔种群。Most victims die within days, sometimes months, but there's a new strain, a new class of Devil that threatens to overtake mankind with power and bloodthirst.

与此同时,中国正在可替代能源上猛下血本——投下数十亿元,决心使GDP中消耗的可替代能源的百分比成为美国同比的十倍之多。At the same time, China is pouring billions of dollars into alternative energy — a commitment that, when taken as a percentage of GDP, is 10 times that of the United States.

投资者对银行被国有化或者它们申请破产保护非常紧张,因为两种选择都将使其持股者血本无收。Investors have been very nervous that banks will have to be nationalized, or that they will have to file for bankruptcy protection, as both options would wipe out all shareholder value.

各银行正不惜血本争夺资金注入,但与主权基金的合作可以快速注入资金,而无需批露公司财务细节。Banks are paying high prices for the capital, but working with sovereign funds can allow for a quick infusion of equity, without a public offering that discloses the firm's financial details.

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只要企业所具有的知识血本和知识处分水准的上下区别是形成企业逐鹿上风的根正本源。Only companies owned by the intellectual capital and knowledge management is the difference between high and low levels of business formation in the fundamental source of competitive advantage.

别让中国人使用国际空间站,那可是美国,欧洲,俄国和日本投了血本的埃就让中国花老鼻子钱去建他们自己的空间站。Keep them off of the International Space Station, that's been financed largely by the U. S. Europe, Russia, and Japan. Let China spend their massive money resources to build their own space station.