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于是我去了。I went over.

于是他这么做了。So he did it.

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于是他站了起来。Then he rose.

于是他又站了起来。He rose again.

它压着,狠狠地压着,于是她们死了。Thus they die.

于是,她做到了。And so she did.

于是叫了她来。So he called her.

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我们于是站起来唱歌。So we can get up.

于是接招吧,苹果。Take that, Apple.

于是我壮健的长大了。And now I grow up.

于是他们等待着。And so they waited.

于是穆那查到了斧头那里。He came to the axe.

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于是穆那查到了猫咪那里。He came to the cat.

于是穆那查到了奶牛那里。He came to the cow.

于是,30岁时我被炒掉了。So at 30 I was out.

于是,英国参战了So, they go to war.

于是穆那查到了小鹿那里。He came to the deer.

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于是黛拉去问艾达。She came to ask Ida.

于是我也跟着去了。So I went along too.

于是他昏倒了。And he fell fainting.