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她的风趣令观众赞叹不已。Her wit stunned the audience.

金碧辉煌的宫殿使她赞叹不已。The glorious palace dazzled her.

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他以演讲术使听众赞叹不已。He dazzled the crowd with his oratory skills.

我们对她流畅的动作赞叹不已。We all admire her for her free-flowing movement.

她对这一危机的处理使我赞叹不已。Her handling of the crisis fills me _with__admiration_.

殿内“佛传壁画”,更令人赞叹不已。Inside "Buddha Chuan mural, " What is even more amazed.

漂亮的丝绸及天鹅绒令他赞叹不已。The beautiful silks and velvets surprised him very much.

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对这座雄伟的大桥,我们感动得赞叹不已。We were moved with admiration at the magnificent bridge.

跳伞者大胆的冒险动作令人赞叹不已。The daring exploits of the parachutists were much admired.

我只不过瞥了一眼,但是它的美却令我赞叹不已。It was just one glance, but its beauty stole my breath away.

苏先生说,“国外的空气洁净多了,每个人都对此赞叹不已。“It's much cleaner,” says Mr So. “Everyone comments on this.

路人对新体育场的独特设计赞叹不已。Passersby speak highly of the distinctive design of the new stadium.

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即使在国外,它们也很出名,很多外国游客赞叹不已。They are well-known even abroad and much appreciated by foreign guests.

提里奥对于这种巧夺天工的手艺只能赞叹不已。Tirion could only marvel at the weapon's exceptional craftsmanship and beauty.

看到过这份“万言书”的人无不为谢的睿智博学而赞叹不已!Saw this "Wan Yanshu" the human to thank all the wisdom learned praises without cease!

席间,客人对爱尼人家的菜肴,声声赞叹不已。During the banquet, the guests of the Nepalese people love the cuisine, stunning sound.

进门,我相信你一定会对这样的屋顶设计赞叹不已。Take the door, I believe you can are opposite certainly such housetop design praises greatly.

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虽然互联网还处于婴儿期,但我们已经看到了许多令人赞叹不已的事物魔术般地涌现。The internet it still in its infancy, but already we see fantastic things appearing as if by magic.

盒子的包装,很美。是写意画桃,多了一份雅。我和他都赞叹不已呢!The box packaging, very beautiful. Is the painting of peach, a more elegant. He and I are all greatly!

在质量、服务、价格体系方面,即使最挑剔的用户,也都赞叹不已。In the field of mass, service, price system, even the most fastidious customer, also be full of praise.