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这是玩偶盒吗?。Is it jack-in-the-box?

很少有人是为了玩偶而前往。Few were there for the dolls.

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恰吉变成了一个邪恶的玩偶。Chucky turned into an evil doll.

你好,克洛琳和克洛琳的玩偶。Hello, Coraline and Coraline doll.

她今天已经这样获得了两个新玩偶了。She now has two new toys today. FML

俄式套娃是一组玩偶。Matreshka is a set of nesting dolls.

玛丽把她的玩偶紧抱在怀里。Mary clutched her doll to her breast.

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我的名字叫胡迪!我是一个牛仔玩偶。My name is Woody! I am a cowboy doll.

不同类型的玩偶开始出现。Different genres of dolls began to appear.

他小心地将玩偶从盒中取出来。He unpacked the doll carefully from its box.

卷土重来,变形金刚和玩偶!Revenge Of The Fallen, Transformers And Doll!

从那天起,我就不再收集玩偶了。Since that day, I let go of collecting dolls.

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玩偶匣的弹簧昨天坏了。The jack-in-the-box's spring broke yesterday.

较小的玩偶可以套进稍大的玩偶内。The smaller doll inserts into the bigger one.

大贝贝手上刚好拿著一只乌龟玩偶。Justin happened to carry a turtle stuffed toy.

甜心很喜欢他的新玩偶,粉红宝宝!Sweetheart Loves her new puppet, Babie Pinkie!

俄式套娃俄式套娃是一组玩偶。Matreshkas Matreshka is a set of nesting dolls.

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当我是个小孩的时候,我曾很喜欢过玩偶。When I was little girl. I liked doll very much.

因为那些毛茸茸的玩偶实在是太可爱了。Because those brushy doll are too lovely really.

福娃一词本身意为“好运的玩偶”。The word Fuwa by itself means "good-luck dolls".