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酒店接近施威琴根城堡。It is close to the Schwetzingen Castle.

耶鲁大学的萨莉·施威茨说,“这意味着用于记忆的大脑线路改变了。”It means that the brain circuitry for memory had altered.

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第二年,在街头施威之后他被驱逐了。The next year, he was ousted following street demonstrations.

国王施威于臣民是完全可以接受的一种情形。A king who exercises his authority over his subjects is quite acceptable.

这家二星级酒店坐落在郊区的施威琴根,并于1994年成立。This 2 star hotel is located in the suburbs of Schwetzingen and was established in 1994.

环绕自己与苜蓿和回到时尚施威泽霍夫酒店卢塞恩文化。Surround yourself with the culture of Lucerne and return to the stylish Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern.

德国田径运动员戈尔德•韦西格是一名来自施威林的厨师,身高2米01的他在莫斯科奥运会上最大的黑马。Gerd Wessig, a 21-year-old cook from Schwerin who was 2.01m tall, was one of the most unexpected winners of the Moscow Games.

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建立了船舶目标和岛屿目标的模型,利用第一类施威林模型解决幅度起伏的问题。In this part, it builds models of ships and islands, and solves the problem of range waving by using the first group of Swelling Model.

施威尼表示,宠物狗超重的原因之一是人们给它们喂剩饭,而剩饭的脂肪含量很高。Sweeney said one of the primary reasons for overweight canines is that people feed their dogs leftovers, which is particularly fattening.

这项新研究可能使雌激素的作用更吸引人,但它应该只是“这个综合问题的其中一个因素”,施威茨是这样说的。The new study may make estrogen more appealing, but it should be just "one part of the equation," says Shaywitz. Still, it's a memorable one.

克里斯蒂安•施威格认为这项计划虽然与传统的保守党经济政策一致,但与前任工党的观点不同。Christian Schweiger says that plan is in line with traditional conservative economic policy and at odds with the ideas of its predecessor, the Labor Party.

协作是在社交网络学习的核心。卡伦施威策尔的这篇博文指出一些很棒的用来联系他人并且和他人分享的免费工具。Collaboration is central to learning on the social Web. This guest post from Karen Schweitzer highlights some great free tools for connecting and sharing with others.

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施威尼遇到的情况并非个例。根据预防宠物肥胖协会统计,美国有超过半数的宠物狗超重。该协会的创立就是为了解决宠物们的超重问题。Sweeney is not alone. More than half the dogs in the United States are overweight, according the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, which was founded to combat the problem.

美施威尔中国是一家总部设在德国斯图加特,在高科技制造厂房总承包领域占世界领先地位的公司。Zander China is part of the global M W Zander Holding AG with head office in Stuttgart, Germany. We are a leading international supplier of turnkey high-tech manufacturing plants.

在画室享受一顿,贝耶尔施威尔霍夫酒店的米其林星级餐厅升高时令菜肴,或夜总会酒吧停下来享受世界一流的爵士乐表演。Enjoy a meal at Atelier, Hotel Bayerischer Hof's Michelin-starred restaurant serving elevated seasonal cuisine, or stop by the Night Club Bar to enjoy world-class jazz performances.

很受欢迎的减肥真人秀“减肥达人”节目主持人埃里森•施威尼正将自身的减肥经验用在宠物狗身上,并为它们制定出新的节食计划。Alison Sweeney, the host of the popular television weight-loss reality show "The Biggest Loser," is using her experience in humans to focus on the problem in dogs with a new diet plan for canines.