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因为害怕他们的美国干爹。Because the are scared of their father USA.

你好,吴启韩,你的干爹肚子饿,请你帮他买吃的,好吗?Hello Qi-Han, your godfather hungry, please help him buy food.

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你的米国干爹最近手头紧,美分不好挣吧!Your American Godfather recent hand tight, cent is not good earn!

丈夫乐意地说,有副师长当干爹,我儿子福可太大了。Everybody laughed and aroused to say, be the boy's nominal father.

假如我能回到97年,那要做的事情就是认识一个干爹。If I would be back to 1997, what I need to do was to find a godfather.

但。是你也别担心,。干爹在韩国整容界有很多老朋友!But you also do not worry, godfather plastic sector in South Korea there is a lot of old friends!

现在在海外,还好有我的干爹和干妈照顾我。我也更爱他们!Now in the overseas, has my foster father and the godmother fortunately looks after me. I also love them!

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我和干爹昨天在电话里发生了争执,只是为了一些小事.我应该改改态度,不要再让我的家人们不高兴了.。I had a bad conversation with Andreas, just because of some little things. I should be better. don't make family upset again.

妙戈问干娘怎样才能吸引男人,说玉奴虽然年轻漂亮可是干爹的心却一直在干娘身上。Wonderful gerben asked GanNian how to attract men, said jade slave although young, who is beautiful but the heart has been in GanNian body.

雷招娣从她爹那里知道青顺城又打仗了,廖成凯是她干爹,雷寨主让他捎东西给廖成凯。Lei Zhaodi from her father to know where the city and the green war, Liao Chengkai is her godfather, ray castellan let him take things to Liao Cheng kai.

本论文采用自然实验法,将CIS理论与老干爹公司的特点和愿望相结合,探索出符合老干爹公司实际的形象战略及导入模式。This thesis combines hope with CIS theory and characteristic of the Lao Gan Die company, and combine these with natural experiment to research its CI model.

我是贺宸,干爹吴恩达的干儿子,此次前来是来视察这里的工作,还不快快让开!I am a He Chen, adopted father Wu En approaches of accepted son, this time come is apt come to inspect the go here, also tread aside not ugg rapidly and quickly!

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首先和最重要的是要进军淘汰赛,但我们看到上赛季阿森纳小组第二,结果第一轮淘汰赛就遇到干爹队最后惨遭淘汰。First and foremost you look to qualify for the knockout stages but we saw Arsenal finish second last season and end up with Barcelona in the first knockout round.

其实我就是这么三八,干爹干娘的爱情故事比坊间才子佳人的话本有意思多了。In fact I be so 38, the adore story of accepted father foster mother is more originally much more amusing than the words of gifted savant loveliness in the streets.

因为老七平常喊水保都喊“干爹”,这干爹第一次认识了女婿,不必挽留,再说了几句,不到一会儿,两人皆爬进舱中了。"Godfather", he felt no need to stand on ceremony with this "godson" he had met for the first tame. After a few more remarks, the two of them presently went into the cabin.

马戎听了之后说要是想让自己放了梅显祖也可以,但是他必须要认自己当干爹,这样就没有人敢枪毙他了。W. connor after listening to that, if want to let oneself put the MeiXianZu can also, but he must want to read their own when adopted father was so no one dare to shoot him.

原来茂雄是正杰的干爹,正杰也是他派去世界饭店当卧底的。另一方面,明明误会建中与多丽有染,大兴问罪。Maoxiong is actually Zhangjie's godfather. He sends Zhengjie to Shijie Hotel as an undercover staff. Meanwhile, Mingming misunderstands that Jianzhong has an affair with Duoli.