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原材料是圆钢棒,优质合金钢,美标。Steel bars for raw material, good alloy AISI 5140.

主刚架间的交叉支撑可采用张紧的圆钢。Cross braces between rigid frames may be tension round steel.

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圆钢的交叉连接触应焊接牢固。The cross connection point of the round steel should weld fastness.

目前本公司主要经营热轧卷板、半圆钢产品。At present, the company mainly engaged in hot-rolled sheet, semi-round bar products.

随后确定了影响ZYY型圆钢管相贯节点刚度的几何参数。Then the geometry which affected the circular tubular ZYY-joint rigidity is identified.

采用液压传动,能对方钢,圆钢,角钢,槽钢,工字钢进行剪切,模剪。Use of hydraulic, other steel, round bars, angle iron, steel, I-steel cutting, die cut.

介绍了石钢公司二轧厂圆钢在线六角捆包装的设计改进过程。The design and improvement process of on-line hexagon-binding package of round bar in No.

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适用于管材,圆钢,板材,园盘等长大物料储存。Suitable for long and thin materials of steel tube, steel bar, steel plate and steel drum.

结合生产工艺过程,分析锻制圆钢常见内在危害缺陷产生的原因。Commom internal dangerous defects of forging round steel are analyzed based on the production process.

对72个K型圆钢管搭接节点和18个零间隙节点进行了非线性有限元分析。Nonlinear finite element analysis of 72 overlap tubular K-joints and 18 zero-gap K-joints is carried out.

花灯吊钩圆钢直径不应小于灯具挂销直径,且不应小于6mm。Diameter of round steel of flower light's hanging hook should be no less than that of hanger tenon and 6mm.

进而建立了光线偏折误差的数学模型并得到在不同方向测量圆钢直径时的误差函数。Also obtained are the error functions of the bar diameter when measurement is taken in different directions.

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在平面内弯矩作用下,弦杆为折杆的T型圆钢管节点计算可以简化为刚接节点模型。The connection of CHS T-joints with fold chord subjected to in-plane bending moment can be simplified as rigid joint.

轧制缺陷对圆钢热顶锻性能的影响严重,生产过程中应尽量避免。Then the rolling defects badly affect hot upset properties of round steel and should be avoided to the greatest extent.

为研究圆钢管约束高强混凝土短柱的轴压力学性能,进行6个短柱试件在循环轴压荷载作用下的试验研究。To study the behavior of circular tube confined HSC stub columns, 6 specimens were tested under cyclic axial compression.

为保护缆绳免受损伤,在艉封板后、尾楼甲板、艏楼甲板和部分舱壁处应装有半圆钢。Half-round bars for protection of lines to be provided at transom stern poop deck forecastle deck and partly on the bulkhead.

阐述了摄象法实现热轧圆钢的直径在线检测原理。According to the photographic principle for on-line measurement of the diameter of hot rolling bar, a new method is introduced.

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介绍了位于天津的满月塔的工程概况并提出了圆钢拉杆预应力的结构体系。General situation of the full-moon tower is introduced, and the structural system with prestressed tension rods is put forward.

建立了沿不同方向测量圆钢直径时、光线偏折误差的修正函数。The correction-functions for the light deflection error of bar diameter measurement in several different directions are obtained.

在大圆钢轧制或大断面轧件延伸孔型系统中,双半径椭圆孔型与单半径椭圆孔型相比,具有轧件易咬入、变形较均匀、孔型磨损小等优点。The double radius ellipse pass is better than the one of single radius ellipse in the big round bar or big section steel rolling.