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她对他的烦恼置之不理。Worry had greyed her hair.

她对他的苦恼置之不理。She waved his worries aside.

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他对我的反对置之不理。He brushed away my objections.

他们对我们的建议置之不理。They fobbed off our suggestion.

所有的恳求都被置之不理。All the pleadings were brushed aside.

对于这些问题,我们能置之不理吗?Can we afford to ignore these issues?

他对她声泪俱下的恳求置之不理。He refused to listen to her tearful pleas.

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慈爱之心不能让我置之不理,我必须救他。My loving-kindness will not let me ignore him.

吴堡的官员对于频繁的询问始终置之不理。Wubu officials did not respond to repeated inquiries.

但是对于这些忠告,奎尔普先生置之不理。But to those remonstrances Mr. Qulip turned a deaf ear.

对于这种水平的挑衅行为置之不理显然是很不正常的。Such docility is unusual given the level of provocation.

他对人们劝他戒赌的建议置之不理。He ignored other people's advice that he give up gambling.

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费利克斯恳求主人放他一条生路,可主人对他的请求置之不理。Felix pleaded for his life, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.

慈爱之心不能让我置之不理,我必须救他。My loving-kindness will not let me ignore him. I must save him.

巨人对他们置之不理。他挤完羊奶就呼呼大睡了。The giant ignored them. He milked his sheep and then went to sleep.

尽管对国足爱恨交加,但在与巴西队的比赛中,中国球迷对这种情绪置之不理,一心想为国家队加油。Against Brazil, Chinese fans tried to leave their ambivalence at home.

我没法对她的建议置之不理,实际上我总是很重视她的意见的。I cannot ignore her suggestion. In fact I always value her suggestion.

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物种灭绝实在是太沉重了,无法做到置之不理,然后一走了之。The idea of extinction weighs too heavily to just shrug and walk away.

不绝于耳的警告最终使你对它们置之不理。You become overloaded with warnings and eventually just tune them out.

尼克松不大可能对他的逆耳之言置之不理。Nixon was less likely to brush off the bearer of unwelcome intelligence.