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他们瓜分了赢得的钱。They divvied up the winnings between them.

佣兵和你的手下会瓜分你的经验值吗?Do Hirelings and Minions steal your experience?

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盗贼们同意把赃物瓜分掉。The thieves agreed to divvy up with the spoils.

这看上去就像一笔正待瓜分的无主宝藏。It looks like a treasure trove ripe for plundering.

列强企图重新瓜分世界的计划破灭了。The super powersattempt to redivide the world failed.

非洲曾一度被欧洲列强所瓜分。Africa was often parceled out among the European Powers.

非洲一度为欧洲列强所瓜分。Africa was once parcelled out among the European powers.

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由于良好的土地已被强大的前开发商“瓜分”了。Because of good land has been strong in the pre-developer "carve up" the.

而且行业内的利润波动太大,不利于投资银行瓜分市场。Industry profits are also too “lumpy” for the market to be readily carved up.

据称,他的6个儿子瓜分了石油等国家命脉产业。He reportedly divvied up key spheres of interest, such as oil, among his 6 sons.

在20世纪的90年代,这个集团中的许多人瓜分了俄罗斯以新的方式所产生私有化国有资产。In the 1990s many of them carved up Russia’s newly privatized state-owned assets.

当我们山河破碎时,你们的军队闯进来要求“公平瓜分”。When We were falling apart, You marched in your troops and wanted your "fair share".

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视频中,帕森斯射杀了一头大象,而且还让一帮村民将象肉瓜分。In it, Parson shoots an elephant and lets a bunch of villagers make off with its flesh.

相对便宜的应用瓜分了下载量排行榜。The more affordable applications typically dominate the top of the most-downloaded list.

首先,商业资本也参加了剩余价值的瓜分,同时也参与了利润的平均化。Firstly, commercial capital takes its share of the surplus value and the averaged profit.

在随之而来的权力真空期,维戈们处心积虑地瓜分这个犯罪帝国。In the resulting power vacuum, the Vigos desperately sought to carve up the criminal empire.

多诺万瓜分了公羊国防部今天,老鹰领先到38-3屠杀公羊。Donovan Carved up the Rams Defense today, leading the eagles to a 38-3 slaughter of the Rams.

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只好到天津卫开镖局,但镖局市场已被三家瓜分,各有背景。Had to open to tianjin yuen, but companies that market has been divided three, different background.

这笔罚金将在纽约州总检查官办公室和监管机构之间瓜分。It will be split between the New York attorney’s general office and a task force of state regulators.

1941年“日苏中立条约”是日、苏瓜分中国“满蒙”之侵略事件。Japan-USSR Neutrality Treaty of 1941 was an invasion incident to divide China's Manchuria and Mongolia.