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本于此点,故把对张华为人的探讨置于全文之序论部分,以明其重要之义。The most important part in the preface is about Zhang Hua's personal character.

在第一章〈序论〉中,我们对整篇论文作概要介绍。In the first chapter, "Introduction, " we give an overall presentation for the whole thesis.

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本文分为三部分,包括序论、本论和结论。This article is divided into three parts, including the sequence theory, the theory and conclusions.

第一部分为序论,主要介绍清水安三中国观的研究现状和研究意义。Part I is exordium , mainly introducing the status and significance of research on Yasuzo Simizu's Chinese View.

本文序论主要介绍与论文选题相关的研究背景、研究目的、研究假设、研究方法。The preface mainly focuses on research background, research objectives, research hypotheses and research methods.

序论部分,主要阐述了选题理由、研究状况、研究的理论和方法等问题。In Foreword, the author interprets the reason of subject choosing, study situation, theory and measure of study etc.

第一部分,序论,介绍本文论题,研究方法以及意义。The first part , The theory of the preface, introduce the proposition of this text, the research approach and meaning.

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序论部分主要阐明了论文选题的缘起、依据和研究意义、以往的研究成果和创新之处。Perface discusses origin and foundation of changing dissertation . In addition , the past research achievements are summarized compactly.

介绍了概念格的数学基础,包括与概念格模型相关的序论和格论中的一些定义。Introduce the mathematical foundations of the concept lattice and some definitions in lattice theory as same as concept model related order theory.

第一章序论交待研究对象、意义、研究范围和研究方法,并列举文中所用语料。Chapter 1 is the prologue which talked about the objects, meaning, scope and methods of the research, and enumerated all the data used in the paper.

文章的第一章是序论,主要包括选题缘由、研究现状以及研究路径等。The first chapter of this paper is the foreword. It contains the main reasons for choosing the topic, current researches and research approaches, etc.

论文由序论,蒙古饮食禁忌的起源,饮食禁忌的内容,饮食禁忌的功能及结论,参考文献等六个部分组成。This paper consists of six parts, including the preface, the origins of the Mongolian diet taboo, the content of diet taboo, the function of diet taboo, the conclusion and bibliography.

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利用排序论的理论和方法,把这个问题转换成机器加工能力受到限制的新型排序问题,提出解决这个问题的两个算法,并证明其中一个算法的最优性。Using the theories and methodologies of scheduling, we formulate it into a scheduling problem with availability constraints, propose two algorithms and prove the optimality of the second one.