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要不然也可能会误伤好人和平民。Or you might fritz the good guys and civilians by mistake.

纵然你是从炫丽的彩虹一端滑下来,也还是有被擦破误伤的可能的。Sometimes you can get a splinter even sliding down a rainbow.

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官方称这些士兵被北约的战斗机误伤。Officials say the soldiers were accidentally strafed by NATO warplanes.

不要用你的两艘一级舰之类的大型舰船包夹敌方的一艘小船。这样会造成误伤。Don't open up on a small ship with two of your first rates positioned either side.

BlueGate从而进一步减少对友军飞机或船舶误伤的可能性。BlueGate thus further minimises the possibility of friendly fire on an aircraft or a ship.

当时一名保安走近他,他猛地提枪射杀了该保安并误伤了无辜群众。When approached by a security guard, he drew a shotgun and fired at the guard and wounded a bystander.

有时,父母间“战争”过于激烈,可能失控而误伤对方或者其他家庭成员。Sometimes parents who fight can get so out of control that they hurt each other or other family members.

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由于担心误伤平民和加剧地区敌对情绪,包围者不敢贸然进行全方面打击。The besiegers have shied from all-out assaults, for fear of killing civilians and deepening regional enmities.

例如,即使薄膜被设计为旨在保护细胞不受免疫系统误伤,病人可能仍需要免疫抑制药物。For example, while the membrane is designed to protect the cells, patients may still require immunosuppressive drugs.

但是小牛的一次恶作剧误伤了满瑶,从此她变成了一个轻微口吃的女孩。But a calf's practical joke has injured accidentally completely precious, henceforth she turned a slight stuttering girl.

后来,我们乘上小船去游湖,吉拉教我如何投鱼线而不至于误伤别人的眼睛。Afterwards we take boats out on the lake, where Kyla shows me how to cast a fishing line without taking someone's eye out.

用一个手指固定住动脉,既可以找准解剖位置以便穿刺,也可以避免误伤到股动脉。A finger should remain on the artery to facilitate anatomical location and to avoid insertion of the catheter into the artery.

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尽管美军弹片误伤部分村民,其中一人仍兴冲冲地告诉美联社记者说,自己毫无怨言。Even though some villagers were hit by American shrapnel, one gamely told an Associated Press reporter that he bore no grudges.

在2003年的伊拉克战争中,该系统首次投入实战,对作战指挥和防止误伤起到了非常积极有效的作用。In the operation of OIF in 2003, the system was brought into actual operations for the first time and got a very active effect.

但这些导弹也误伤了许多巴基斯坦平民,加深了当地居民对这些游荡在空中的外国势力的怨恨。But the missiles have also killed dozens of Pakistani civilians, deepening resentment of the faceless foreign presence in the sky.

为了避免枪支伤人,索尼娅起身夺枪,却在偶然间扣动了扳机误伤了学生。Injure a person to avoid firearms, suo Niya rises seize a gun, be in however accidental pulled trigger accidentally injure student.

此外,您还必须保留狂犬病疫苗接种的证明,以防您的貂儿误伤它人。Furthermore, it is essential to have proper rabies vaccination certification information necessary should your ferret ever bite someone.

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它将使印度空军米格-29战斗机与西方军用飞机进行互操作,以避免友军误伤。It will enable Indian Air Force MiG-29 fighter aircraft to be interoperable with western military aircrafts and so to avoid friendly fire.

当战场上中有存在误伤的攻城坦克时,不要把让你的单位冲向并靠近敌人的部队,他们很快会变得很不友好。Don’t rush units into close range with enemy forces if you have friendly Siege Tanks fi ring onto the fi eld. They quickly become very unfriendly.

前线看不到人员运输车,反抗军似乎不再愿意使用坦克,害怕遭到北约空袭的误伤。Personnel carriers have not been seen on the front lines, and rebels seem wary of using tanks for fear of provoking an accidental NATO air strike.