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冠心病心绞痛属中医学“胸痹”、“心痛”范畴。Angina pectoris belongs to the"chest pain"or"heartache"category in TCM.

胸痹相当于现代医学的冠心病、心绞痛。Chest pain syndrome is the same as the coronary heart disease and angina.

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冠心病是中老年人常见病、多发病,祖国医学称之为“胸痹”、“心悸”等。Coronary heart disease is common illness and frequently occurring illness of middle aged.

目的探索中西医结合治疗胸痹心痛的有效手段。Objective Treatment of Chinese and Western Medicine Chest to explore effective means of heartache.

目的探讨胸痹通胶囊治疗冠心病的疗效及机制。Objective To observe the effects and the mechanism of Xiongbitong capsule on coronary heart disease.

秦汉时期,是对胸痹心痛病证的初步认识阶段。It is rudimentary recognition phase for the syndrome of chest blocking and heartache in the Qin-Han dynasty.

不同的人格特征在胸痹的发生发展中有不同的作用。Different personalities have various functions on the occurrence and development of pectoral pain and stuffiness.

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冠心病是中老年人常见病、多发病,祖国医学称之为“胸痹”、“心悸”等。The middle-aged and elderly coronary heart disease is common, frequently-occurring disease, Chinese medicine called "Chest", "palpitation" and so on.

痰浊易化热与瘀互结,形成痰热互结致瘀的病理改变,并且直接影响胸痹的发生发展。Phlegm turbid easy heat with Yu close mutual, form phlegm heat close mutual to deliver stasis pathology change, and directly affect chest Bi occur development.

祖国医学则根据病态窦房结综合征的临床表现归属于“胸痹”“心悸怔忡”“虚劳”“迟脉症”等范畴。In traditional Chinese medicine, SSS belongs to " obstruction of qi in the chest" , "heart-throb" , "continuous palpitation" , "asthenic disease" , "infrequent pulse".

本文介绍其在临证上运用真武汤治疗水肿、胸痹、心悸、肺胀、痹证等病症的经验。This article introduces his clinical experiences in treating edema disease, chest stuffiness, palpitation , lung inflation and arthromyodynia by using Zhenwu decoction.

心力衰竭是临床常见疾病之一,是多种心系疾病或非心系疾病发展的结果,如心悸、胸痹心痛、咳嗽,水肿等。Heart failure is one of common clinical syndromes. It results from many kinds of heart diseases and other organs'diseases, such as palpitation, chest blockage, and cough.

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对于胸痹心痛的治疗,应当本着“以温为主,以通为用”的原则结合病机进行治疗。The principle of treating thoracic obstruction and cardiodynia is always to remember to warm chest yang and remove impediment together with the pathogenesis to relieve pain.

高血压与老年人胸痹心痛、心悸怔忡、消渴等相兼为病,在中风发病上具有协同作用,从而有更大的危险性。Hypertension together with palpitation and choking or stabbing pain in the chest of CUD, diabetes mellitus in the aged becomes much more risk factor in the occurrence of apoplexy.

痰浊壅塞证与心血瘀阻证无论在狭窄程度还是在病变分布上都明显高于其他证型,是胸痹心痛的危险证型。Heart blood stasis syndrome and phlegm -turbid retention syndrome were more seriouser than other syndromes both in stenosis degree and affection extent. So, they were danger syndromes.

睡眠不足影响人的正常生活、工作、学习和健康,并能加重或诱发心悸、胸痹、眩晕、头痛、中风等病证。Insufficient sleeping affects people's work, study and health. It can also induce many diseases such as palpitation, precordial pain with chest discomfort, dizziness, headache and apoplexy.