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填词万纳现在我们是由。Lyrics for Where We Are Now By Vanna.

一首仅能由我们自己谱曲,填词的歌?Only by one of our own music, lyrics of the song?

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填词制谱用的曲调调名的统称。The names of the tunes to which melody are composed.

苗振中就开始给这两首歌填词和录制唱的部分。Miao Zhen begin to give these two songs to sing part of the lyrics and recorded.

他能作诗,能填词,能写字,能刻图章。中国古书也读了不少。He could write poems, lyrics, calligraphy, make stamp and read quiet a few ancient books.

玩填词游戏只能让你更擅长填词游戏,并不会改善你的记忆力。Crossword puzzles make you better at crossword puzzles, but may not make your memory any better.

我不会先给它们起名字,我更愿意在填词以及混音都完成之后再想个名字。I always like the last track I've worked on coz I generally just keep going on a recording until I really like it then give up.

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酒令著辞的创作和演唱表现为依调撰辞与依曲唱辞,从而直接推动了按谱填词、以词合乐的小令创作,并孕育了令词。These drinking game verses as created in set musical tunes promoted the literary practice of writing verses to pre-tuned music.

我曾经想当填词人,会讲故事的那种,不管是关于生活,爱情还是悲伤的故事,或多或少的感动你。I tend to be drawn towards songwriters who tell stories, who can move you in some way, whether it's about life and love or injustice.

自此,“我爸是李刚”成了中国最流行的网络语,并在民间衍生出许多据此填词的打油诗。Since then, "My father is Li Gang" has become the most popular phrase and blossomed into the themes of many songs and lyrics in China.

我在北京的一家大型媒体工作、退休,有很高的经济待遇。我喜作诗填词,尤爱读书写作。I was in Beijing, a large media work, retirement, have high economic benefits. I like poetry lyrics, especially the love of reading and writing.

所以要下“玩填词游戏能避免阿兹海默症”这种结论,我是非常谨慎的。So the conclusion that I am most cautious about making is giving the idea that somehow working crossword puzzles is going to stave off Alzheimer's disease.

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恩雅住在我们家里,她开始进行创作,创作出了所有这些旋律,所以我们一有机会就聚在一起,然后洛玛填词。Enya was living in our house and she started, all these melodies started to come out, so we got together whenever we could, and then Roma started to write lyrics.

恩雅住在我们家里,她开始进行创作,创作出了所有这些旋律,所以我们一有机会就聚在一起,然后洛玛填词。Enya was living in our House and she started , a11 these melodies started to come out, so we got together whenever we could, and then Roma started to write lyrics.

这是在接下来的一小时中我们将探讨的问题,此外我们还会谈谈如何在年龄增大的同时保持大脑的健康,或许,填词游戏可没什么作用。These are some of the things we'll be talking about this hour, along with what else we can do to keep our brains health as we age.One of those things may not be doing crossword puzzle.

年少时就曾学习填词作曲,成年后在没有组建家庭戏班之前就写了不少的传奇剧本,后来觅得一极佳的机会,组建了一个家庭戏班,不仅自娱也用于娱人。In his adulthood he wrote many legendary plays before setting up a family-owned theatrical troupe. Later he seized a chance to establish a theatrical troupe to entertain him and others.

由李焯雄填词,这首歌描述了不确定的爱与恐惧,一位爱人担心失去他的爱,却又无法面对自己的恐惧,只能悲哀地看着自己心爱的人投向别人的怀抱。The lyrics, written by Francis Lee, describe the fears of an insecure lover. Afraid to lose his love but unable to face up his fears, he can only watch in misery when his lover leaves for someone new.