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但事实是,这些东西都与他们的贫穷毫不相干。The fact is, these have nothing to do with being poor.

玛格达莱娜把过去看作毫不相干的累赘。Magdalena considered the past an irrelevant encumbrance.

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和陌生人交谈和耍把戏或秘密都毫不相干。Talking to strangers has nothing to do with tricks or secrets.

他没有选择我们两个中的任何一个,而是选择了某个毫不相干的陌生人。The fact that he wound up not choosing either of us for some total stranger.

在周五的新闻发布会上,潘基文说那两个是“毫不相干的问题”。Speaking to the press on Friday Ban Ki Moon said the two were "separate issues".

穷人只知道后面有一棵毫不相干的苹果树,也就答应了,其实却是他的爱女。The poor man thinks it is an apple tree and agrees – but it is actually his daughter.

就在这儿,这个特殊又与她毫不相干的飞地似的地方,她遇见了一个“熟人”。Here, of all places, in this peculiar and irrelevant enclave, she had spotted a familiar.

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可是问题在于,这些观点认为核武器与此毫不相干,可以舍弃。The problem is the argument that nuclear weapons are irrelevant and can be dispensed with.

这在毫不相干的可以生育的男性里面是一致的,但是在不育的男性里面却不一样。It is the same in unrelated fertile men, but it is different in the sperm of infertile men.

屋子不动地屹立着,现出漠不关心的样子,仿佛无论什么人走进屋里来都与它毫不相干似的。The house stood so inhospitably , as though it were no concern of its who had come into it.

这些提议与改造市场资本主义的宏伟计划毫不相干。These proposals have nothing to do with grandiose schemes for reinventing market capitalism.

在第三组志愿观看的视频中,她做了一些和剥香蕉毫不相干的手势。In a third group, she made gestures with her hands that were unrelated to what she was saying.

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而自由民主是我们大多数人觉得与科学毫不相干的一种政治哲学。Liberal democracy is a political philosophy that most of us think has little to do with science.

在戴安娜于1997年在车祸中丧生时,毫不相干的人们在伦敦的另一个街道密密麻麻地聚集起来。After Diana was killed in a car crash in 1997, strangers hugged one another in the streets of London.

这种激励了霍金斯、德雷克和罗利的精神与他们所在时代的语言并非毫不相干。The spirit that inspired Hawkins and Drake and Raleigh was not foreign to the language of their time.

两个毫不相干的个体,要在漫天沙海漫眼汪洋中经过多少迂回才会碰撞在一起呢?How many detour the two irrelevant individuals need to bypass before this crossing happened between each other?

从外表看起来,人工树叶看起来和天然树叶毫不相干,事实上两种树叶进行的转换过程是一样的。The artificial leaf looks nothing like the natural leaf that it mimics, but its inputs and outputs are the same.

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他没感到不快,奇怪地是,他甚至觉得这些蠢事跟自己毫不相干。He did not feel displeased, and strangely did not eventfeel that he was personally involved in all the foolishness.

但对于处于生存边缘的人们而言,“高尚的野蛮人”的浪漫主义褪色,变得毫不相干。But where people on the very edge of survival are concerned, romanticism over the "noble savage" fades to irrelevance.

宝钗的这个衡量未来夫婿前程的系统,与她是否愿意与那个人建立真实的关系几乎毫不相干。Bao-chai's system for measuring men as prospects usually had little to do with any desire to form actual relationships.