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她的姑母又在与那个婴儿亲热起来了。Her aunt is making over the baby again.

但是James也很少有身体亲热接触。But James, too, isn't very affectionate.

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我就知道只要我们一亲热就会大事不好!I knew this would happen if we made out!

我舅舅从不过分表示亲热。My uncle is never lavish of endearments.

他们昨夜亲热得难舍难分。They were really sexing it up last night.

你和一个夜宿的女孩亲热了?。You made outwith a girl from a sleepover?

莫莉和泰德亲热的时候还想着肯。Molly is necking with Ted and thinking of Ken.

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我们很清楚知道我们拍亲热戏的节奏是怎样。We know exactly what the beats are of our love scenes.

在他们亲热时,我尽可能地避开他们。I avoided them as fas as possible when they were necking.

他很亲热地接待了我,因为他一直爱我。He received me very affectionately, for he always lov'd me.

要是不亲热有仁德的人,那将带给咱们如许大的坏处。To not follow the truly humane will bring immeasurable harm.

当你第一次约见某个男子或女子的时候,不要急于亲热。When you first meet a guy or girl, don’t rush into intimacy.

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老公爵情绪很好,亲热地对待皮埃尔。The old prince was in good humour and very cordial to Pierre.

他歇下手,亲热的向我点点头,帽上铃铛就丁零当啷响了。He paused and nodded to me familiarly, while his bells jingled.

对纯情和俊熙在一起时亲热的画面开始很在意。For pure and affectionate when itis picture began to care about.

一见到别的男人跟她亲热地交谈,他便会醋劲大发。If other men spoke to her intimately he was immediately jealous.

嘿,我们开间房,小子如果你决定了我们可以去亲热亲热。Hey, let's get a room, shawty we can freak somethin' if you down.

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一项与性有关的最新调查发现,澳大利亚人很喜欢“亲热”。intimacy, if the results of a new sex study are anything to go by.

他亲热的招呼我,因为他肚里灌饱了酒。He accosted me with excessive warmth, for he had been drinking much.

年轻的爸爸噘起嘴唇,亲热地吻了一下婴儿。The young father puckered up his lips and gave the baby a fond kiss.