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奥运会入场式上,东道国队总是最后出场。Do you remember the last Olympics in Athens?

投资须与东道国的发展优先重点保持一致Align Investments with Countries’ Development Priorities

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您可以在东道国的所有国际域名没有任何限制。You can host all international domains with no restrictions.

旅费由东道国负担。All the travelling expenses will be borne by the host country.

东道国的国家馆历来备受关注。The national pavilion of the host country has always been a cynosure.

东道国乌兹别克斯坦总统卡里莫夫主持会议。Karimov, President of the host country Uzbekistan chaired the meeting.

东道国为运动员提供运动场地和游泳场。The host can provide sports ground and swimming pools for the players.

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一天,马歇尔在美国使馆举行宴会,招待东道国的外长莫洛托夫。Embassy in honor of Molotov , the foreign minister of the host country.

此次会议由东道国韩国总统金大中主持。President Kim Dae-jung of ROK, the host country presided over the meeting.

负担能力最差的贫穷东道国正在付出最沉重的代价。Poor host countries that can least afford it are paying the heaviest price.

要实现这一目标,东道国需要有可信的发展计划。For this to happen, the host countries need to have credible development plans.

关于2007年7月7日,东方明珠电视塔是东道国中国活着的地球音乐会。On 7 July 2007, Oriental Pearl Tower was host to the Chinese Live Earth concert.

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奥运会由东道国国家元首宣布开幕。The Olympic Games shall be proclaimed open by the Head of State of the host country.

有时也有经美国批准、由东道国直接雇佣这些公司的情况。Other times, companies are hired directly by the host country and approved by the US.

现在评估包括东道国的进步技术用来帮助聘请最好的战略。Size-up now can include a host of technological advances to help employ the best strategies.

八国集团也称为八个工业化国家集团,包括英国、意大利、加拿大、美国、法国、俄罗斯、德国和东道国日本。They include Britain, Italy, Canada, the United States, France, Russia, Germany and host, Japan.

开业前和开业后国民待遇对东道国经济具有不同的影响。Pre-and post-establishment national treatment has different impacts on the host country's economy.

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外商直接投资对发展中东道国国内企业具有溢出效应,但通常难以准确计量。FDI has spill-over effects on the domestic enterprises, but it is too difficult to count correctly.

对东道国而言,适当的当地成分要求是一种有益于经济发展的政策。For a host country, the proper lo- cal requirement is a policy beneficial to economic developments.

探讨了BOT特许协议的定位、东道国作为BOT主体的身份确认等法律问题。An inquiry is made about the BOT special-Permit-Agreement and the adjustment of its subject capacity.