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我凑巧知道这个名字。It chanced that I knew the name.

凑巧恶男听到秦琼的言语。ENan happened to hear the words of the QinQiong.

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如果它凑巧掉下来好像就会弹起来。它是圆形!It looks like it would bounce if it happened to fall.

很凑巧的是我同时是这两部最佳影片奖领跑者的粉丝。I happen to be a fan of both best-picture front-runners.

真凑巧!我刚听了那音乐会回来。What a coincidence! I've just come back from that concert.

很凑巧的,我们全家都是同一个月份出生的。Coincidently , all my family members were in the same month.

真凑巧!我刚听了那音乐会回来。What a coincidence! I have just come back from that concert.

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张副官在路上走着,凑巧遇到齐铁嘴。Zhang lieutenant walked on the road, happened to meet JiTie mouth.

很凑巧的,我们全家都是同一个月份出生的。Coincidently, all of my family members were born in the same month.

你来得真不凑巧。他刚走,而且两周内不会回来。You are out of luck. He just left and he won't be back for two weeks.

凑巧的是中国海军也将于9月1日在黄海举行实兵演练。China began its own naval exercises in the Yellow Sea on September 1st.

同时他又感到事不凑巧,心里好不难过,因为他的靴子上有尘土。At the same time,he was horribly vexed because there was dust on his boots.

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我回到这儿时,不凑巧,空屋子就只有这一间了。On my return here, as ill luck would have it, this was the only room vacant.

非常凑巧的是希腊和丹麦把他们的运气发挥的超过了极限。It just so happened that Greece and Denmark pushed their luck over the limit.

凑巧的是,白纹伊蚊在美国东南部普遍存在。As it happens, A. albopictus is endemic throughout the southeastern United States.

潘科夫斯基的情况给我留下深刻印象的第一点是,他来的时间极为凑巧。The first thing that struck me about Penkovsky was the sheer coincidence of his arrival.

真不凑巧,来涵所询产品中,有三项无货可供。Three of the items enquired for in your letter are unfortunately not available for export.

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艾米陪着末末玩了一阵,张和平也凑巧来看望末末。Amy accompany at the end of the play for a while, ZhangHePing also happened to see the end.

事有凑巧,李复修及陈忠强遇见文学宁,亦从后追去。Coincidentally, Li Fuxiu and Chen Zhongqiang met literature Ning, also from the chase after.

我很想这两件一起买,但很不凑巧,我现在手头上没有足够现金。I would like to buy them altogether, but I'm afraid I don't have the money on hand just yet.