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自动给谈判。Auto-Rate Negotiation.

它必须通过谈判。It must be negotiated.

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谈判和协议。Negotiation and Agreement.

谈判毫无结果。The negotiation got nowhere.

肯扬在里昂谈判。Kenyon is in Lyon negotiating.

这次谈判毫无结果。The negotiation leads nowhere.

然后他开始跟我谈判。Then be began to parley with me.

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然后他开始跟我谈判。Then he began to parley with me.

你一定很喜欢谈判。You must like negotiating a lot.

裁军谈判在维也纳开始。Disarmament Talks Begin in Viena.

谈判不久将重开。Negotiations will reconvene soon.

这是一个强有力的谈判利器。It was a powerful bargaining tool.

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那如果谈判失败呢?What if those negotiations failed?

与敌人谈判的城市,等于一半被占领。A city that parleys is half gotten.

他表示同意丹麦的谈判策略。He agrees with the Danish strategy.

让我们永不因畏惧而谈判。Let us never negotiate out of fear.

谈判陷入僵局。The negotiations came to a deadlock.

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可是她就要在这里跟他谈判了。Yet here she was parleying with him.

和尤文谈判太不容易。It's not easy to negotiate with Juve.

这些可能只是谈判中采用的佯攻策略。These may be just negotiating feints.